In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.
30 IN MEMORIAM language, and a voice which was both mu– sical and strong. His sermons were both doctrinal alid practical, and appealed to the understanding as well as to the heart. It was his firm belief in the divine authority of the Scriptures and his unwavering trust in the power of the Cross of Christ that made Dr. Chesnut so able in the pulpit and so suc– cessful as a pastor." Lowell, Mass. From Rev. W. J. Smiley, of Sparta, Ill., who was intimately associated with Dr. Ches– nut during all the years of his Coulterville pastorate: "Dr. Chesnut was richly endowed by nature and grace for the work of the min– istry. Of godly ancestry, his parents being members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland, he was brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The foundation for service and success was laid in tM-liome, in reverence for God, His Word, His holy day, His house and His ordinances. "Dr. Chesnut was large physically, men– tally; morally, and spiritually. He laid all his gifts Upon the altar. He was faithful in every position he was called to fill. Like Moses, he endured, as seeing Him who is invisible. " 'The day is come--not gone ; Thy sun is risen-not set ; Thy life is, now beyond the reach of change and death; Not ended-but begun.' ''
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