In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 5 united in marriage with Miss Jennie Wallace, of Philadelphia, on January 17, 1893. Two children were given to them-Mary, who has graduated from Cedarville College and is now engaged in teaching, and James L., who also has graduated from Cedarville, and is now pursuing his theological studies in the Reformed Presbyterian Seminary. In 1900 Dr. Chesnut was sent to California to investigate the prospects of our Home Mis– sion Fields. Mrs. Chesnut and the children accompanied him. So pleased were the people there with his services that an effort was made to induce him to take the oversight of the work in that State. For some time he was Associate Editor of The Coulterville Republican. For a few years he edited the Young People's Depart– ment in the Reforrned Presbyterian Advo– cate. During the last years of his pastorate at Coulterville, he and his faithful congregation erected a large and modern church edifice, in which the ·congregation today finds great convenience and comfort. In April, 1905, acting as Committee for the Western Presbytery, he had charge of the installation of Rev. L. A. Benson as pastor of the Republican City Church, Clay Center, Kan. He has many warm friends in this field, who longed for another visit from him. Upon his arrival in Cedarville, Ohio, there were 'unmistakable evidences of the warmth of the welcome given to him. The people