In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.

8 IN MEMORIAM ville College, and upon entering his office was chosen Secretary of the Board. "He carried the honors bestowed upon him with becoming humility and commendable dignity. He served in the offices to which he was chosen, conscientiously, efficiently, prayerfully. The Church recognized his talents as superior and his spirit as that of a man of God; and consequently entrusted him with the most sacred and responsible posi– tions within its gift ; and he never betrayed a trust or lowered a confidence, but rather did he inspire courage, faith and action by his well-known good cheer and unwavering loyalty to Christ and the Church. He was the human life and center of every church court and of most of its committees. He was a staunch Reformed Presbyterian, de– voted to all of the interests of the Church, and yet broad enough of vision and big enough of heart to recognize the good in all Christians and to co-operate heartily with all the followers of Christ in the advancement of the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour." In his service as pastor he was interesting; and, whether with the aged, youth or child– hood, the rich, the poor, the churched or the unchurched, white or colored, his touch was most happy and helpful. His ability to remember faces and names and individual interests and circumstances, won for him a hold upon people generally . His faith wai:i an inspiration. Prayer was to him no per– functory exercise; it was the communion of his soul with the unseen but ever-present Jehovah. How it refreshed us when he