In Memoriam: James Lyons Chesnut, D.D.
JAMES LYONS CHESNUT, D. D. 9 prayed! He loved God's Word and loved to proclaim it. How wonderful his eloquence when he spoke of the King of Glory! He was implicit and unwavering in his faith in God. He believed every line of it. His great heart knew no tricks for self-advancement or enrichment; he was no opportunist. He was a man of conviction, of high principles, of the most holy aspirations, but of full sur– render to his Lord. He was thoroughly con– scientious ; his discernment, his ready wit, his genial spirit, made room for him every– where, and made him, naturally, a leader. With what loving, fatherly interest he counseled the young men of the Seminary ! How happy he was to note the progress of his own son in his preparation for the ministry! He was a wonderful man. There was a sweet joy, a great spiritual profit, in being with him, even in his hours of weakness and suffering. He became conscious of the fact that the end was approaching, but he fainted not, nor did he forget his interest in the sal– vation of others. He prayed with and for his people, as he could pray. He called the loved ones of his family to him one by one to give them parting blessing and counsel. He endured the intense sufferings w,hich were appointed him with a spirit of heroism and fortitude. He resigned himself submissively to the care of Him for whom he lived and whom he loved to serve, and thus he fell asleep. Though he is numbered with the dead, he still lives in our hearts.
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