Campaign for $200,000 Expansion and Endowment Fund for Cedarville College

4 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE WILL BE BIG ENOUG H— I F YOUR HEART IS.” Origin of the Movement u A T A BOOSTER meeting which filled the Opera House May 20th when the Alumni and citizens of Greene County and other friends spoke, action was taken, in substance as follows: It is the conviction that Cedar- ville and community should, and can, raise at least $200,000 for equipment of Cedarville College. The Board of Trustees met, and feeling that new life and larger days are at hand, the Board was enlarged to fifteen members. The Alumni Association also feeling that new life and larger days are at hand, took the following action which was confirmed at the annual business meeting with regard to the campaign “Resolved, That the Alumni of Cedarville College at the annual banquet of the Alumni approve the action of the Asso- ciation Committee setting up the objective of $100,000 as our portion for the enlarged program of Cedarville College to be used largely for endowment; and that we authorize our Association Committee to project this campaign and pledge ourselves to give our very best efforts to the attainment of this end.” The Reformed Presbyterian Church has already pledged $25,000 and one of our Alumni has “pledged him- self” for $10,000, thus you see we have an encouraging start. The Present Crisis y^HTHIN the past few months conditions have developed which demand that a general movement be inaugurated to provide needed buildings and an increased Endowment to prevent the College from going to a neighboring city and thus largely lose its present spirit and usefulness to the community, Greene County and the Church in general. Unless these Build- ings and Endowment shall be provided Cedarville College cannot be rated by the State Association Institution. What is Meant By An Association College 1 N ORDER to be accredited in the State, a College must meet at least the following requirements: 1. Buildings and equipment to the value of $100,000. 2. A library of not less than 10,000 volumes in addition to public documents. 3. A Faculty of at least six professors giving their entire time to work of a college grade and not to exceed 15 hours a week apiece. 4. An Endowment Fund which yields an income of not less than $10,000 a year.