The Gavelyte, April 1906
(i:2 ' mu. ic for the evening. This displays I member. Mr. Henderson enjoy. the the pirit which characterizes the I distinction of being first Honorary Philosophic work and it is hoped that I member of the Gavel Club . Mr. the ~ame a.JI pervading spirit will I Walter "'haw will assume the dutie, continue rncessantly throughout of Local Editor and Mr. L. C'onfarr the year and for yAars to come. those of ews Editor. ---- -- J Gavel Club. The meeting held on March 22nd. was characterized by the intere ting The underlying principal which I extemporaneous debates on the two can es men to gravitate to common j questions, fir~t: "Resolved that the center and communities of interests present system of hour hould be ha. been exemplified in the Gavel I eliminated and that recitations I Club in that work has been the real I should be one hour each and contin- liu;-;iness of life and everything else I ~e untill 3 o'cl~ck .P. M." Second: haK been merely incidlmtal. Resolved that the final term exami- ~ o ooner i one duty performed nations should be eliminated anrl in by the student than another demands their stead hould be two final exam– their time and attention; hut the inations with monthly te, ts which f;avel Cluh members have come to a would be more conducive to goorl full realization of the true benefit to work." Both question were rlecid– ue derived from active service in ed in the affirmative. f.}avel Club Life and have entered the I The meeting held on ~larch 29, work with new ar<lor; eeing their wa unu ually interesting from a way clear to engage in . uch work parlimentary view point a many Pven th: iugh they haYe to };e nme- points were brought out which had wha_t; negligent of their studie.. heretofore escaped the member:c; at– Two new m mbers in the personages tention. New officers were elected of .\fr. Walter , haw and .\lr. Lloyd in this meeting which are a. follow,: Con fcnT were rec ntly taken in th(· President........... . ...Claude Estle. ranks to fill the , acancies cau:,;e<l l,y Vic,., Pre.:;iden .. · ... Erne, t McClellan the resignation::; of Mr. Elder Hutch– i on and ~Ir. Lf'Rny Hender:on, who wished to be di:-encumbererl of tlw du tie:,; dernh·i II g upon tlw m. Tht> ('Juli reePnt ly a,·ePpt1,d :\Ir. LeRoy !f t>nr!Prsnn n:,; an ho:1nr.1ry ._ ecretary ............... Walker A us tin, ,'argeant at Arms ...... \\'alter haw, Tn,a"urPr ............... T. Carl ~Jnr. hall. Prof. ('levPnger and wife spent ,'aturday and , alilinth, Apr. l..t and I.> in I 'nlumlin:,;.
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