The Gavelyte, April 1906

( '') ),j Mr. Walker Am,Lin rnjoyed a-visit· Tlw c;Jeam, Walnut Hills !Ti h fron; !1is broLhe;· Mr. l{,,)bert :\u"tin, g on Ii nday and , aturday A pr. J. and Local. ,'e hool, 111·1y lH. commen<lecl on ac- 1 14 "B b" . 1 . . o 11nrnec 1ately became one <'n unt of its literary merit. I of the boys. Tie will lw in colleg-t• Th Oracle' (Monmouth) is among next fall. ou r new rxchang·e. . Th JJl'eviou M I' r. 'rank rr, class of '04 a. tnd- il'l~Uf> contains the comm ncem nt ent at the Th ological eminary in l 1rn-Tam. Ph'! 1 I h' ., 1ace p ta, ifl visiting at home for Prof. C.lf> venger (in C.on. titution a few days. Mr. Orr goes to Ida– elass). \Vhat are RPpresentatives at viii , Ind., wh re he will have a Lat){"'? I charge during the sumn1er months. A. Rip Van • ha\v. "Those that We notice in "The Blc.tck and Mao-- '"' are not eon fined.'' enta" that Chas. a 'h still continues to "go om " with the ladie . But we might say that the ''half ha~ n11t been told." Muskingum seems to have a bad effect on McCamplwll also. A numbe r of familiar faces are mis ing this term. Mr. Elder 'orry reports bad roads; Mr.. J. Graham !-mowdrifts; and Mr . Auel we have not yet heard from. rl'he Green County Sabbath \ :hool Prof. Jt1 rkat. "Mr. Austin give A sociation met in annual se-s. ion in us a defination for prairie.' the R. P. church last week. Mr. A. A. Austin. "It is a vast area Hanline, State Sec. of the teaehers of land having all the fundamental training department gave several characteristicR of a prairie." addresses which were well worth hearing-. The General Synod of the Reformed Th t d t d ·t I , .· h h · N . h A . I e s u en s an commum y 1av~ a Presb) te11an c urc m 0 1 t me1- b f d th' · t f . . . . I num er o goo rngs rn s ore or 1ca will meen rn Cedarville, May 20- th . ti f t D R b t • 1 em rn 1e near u ure . r. o er · 2f>.. Many good speakers will no I W t f c· · t· ·11 d 1· ti a son o rncrnna I w1 e 1ver 1e 1L,uut be heard during the week. commencement address and launeh I) I' I O f I 'O , ti · d I the ship of 1906 Senion; into thP "ev. , ran c r r, o c ass "±, 11r j" t t Id" It ·11 b f . . . grea , grea wvr . w1 e o year student rn Ph1ladelph:a R. P. interest to many to learn tlnLt f>r. 8eminary, will occupy Rev. Henry's I Watson has accepted, in addit ion to p~lpit ,'ahbath, April 15. Rev. Hen- his other labors, the chair of Pastoral ry will be ahRrnt at Irlaville, Ind. I Theolog·y in Lane> 8eminm·y, Cincinnati.