The Gavelyte, April 1907
l'l:IJ \ !~V I. u: t (J!.1.J:,; 1:. ~ () Owing to lack of space thi month I tions are payable in advanc~ . W we were obliged to omit "Observa- 1 tru t that you will kindly meet Mr. tions" by "a Cynic", These will ap- 1 tewart, our authorized agent, half pear in the May and June numbers. way, in this matter as we desire to . make the June number bigger and We ask our readers to notice the Ibetter than ever. To do this it is a~tic~e by Mr.. E. ,,Shaw on_ "Th~ Tr~e I necessary to have your remittan ·e as Aim m Educat10n ap~earmg '.n this I soon as possible so please remit to ~umber. . And al ~ notice particul~r- 1our Treasurer or hand your money to ly the senes of article by Prof. Leioy Mr. Stewart at the earliest date -Allen, Ph. B., on "Socialism". These I possible. are all well worth reading. I - -----~- I The time has now come for interest We desire to call the attention of Iin the forth coming June number. our subscribers to the appointment by ! Our success last year was largely due - 'I'he (lave! Club of Mr. G. C. Stewart !to the earnest upport given us by as Collector and Solicitor. This step Ithe alumni and friends of the College has been taken owing to the fact that i and we feel that all were pleased with so many of our subscribers have over- I the Gavelyte. Our motto this year looked the fact that their subscrip- has been "PROGRESS"! and we ask you I
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