The Gavelyte, April 1908

(i2 THE GA VELYTE, ext month the governors of the it may be only the calm before thf' various states are to meet the presi- storm, as in France during 1790 and dent in Washington to consider the 1791. '!'he next wave may make a conservation of our natural re- complete revolution. sources. The prodigality of past 1 years has almost exhausted the gas supply and now grave apprehensions Local News. Who said April Fool? are entertained concerning the forests. The forests are being cut down all over the United States atl Wanted, pring poetry!!! an alarming rate. In the west the I Honker's Hall! Honk, Honk depredations of timbP,r thieves have II April 1st, Dr. McKinney ~1,ent t ht-> ruined thousands of square miles of day in the East. land for agriJultm·e, the felling of Water, water f'VerywhPr". t hePe. the trees being succeeded by the last few weeks. washing away of the fertile soil. Even if replanted, it will be a hun– dred years before these land wiil begin to recover. Here if ever, is a case where the children will have to suffer for the . ins of the fathers. • ir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, premier of England, has re igned and been succeeded by Herbert April 1st, we hear \'vas a cri. i in many Cedarville families. Get ready for the final edilion of the Gavelyte. 'Twill be a corker. Miss Allen debated for a long timt> with her:elf whether the jnkP w:ii- on her or on Bobby' wavy bonP. Asquith. The Liberal. came into Well ''Bill" Ritter ha got out tho~r power two years ago. not because old hooks and line: of his ancl i,' mak– thl'y had anything Pspecially impor-1 ing trouble for the minnows. tant to offer, but because the people were tired of conservatives and want- The college i going to construct ed a change. Every little party and some new building~. Dr. McKinney interest that is opposed to the con- has the founrlatrnn stone - a red servatives i. represented in the brick. Liberal cabinet, and it is only a .J. E. Blair has been rho. en captain question of time when it will be de- of our track team. He is hunting · feated ancl pas.' out of power again., for a good bull dog his intPntion is Rus. ia sf'Pms to lie clormant, but! to usf' it as a pacP-maker.