The Gavelyte, April 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 6:J Mr . John i"inney wa:-1 home f,1r n, fow days. Born to Rev. and Mrs . C. A. Young, f<'rirlay, April !1, a <langhtPr. Mis8 Luln HPr1rlerson is teaching in Daytnn, Va. Mr. Georg(~ ~tewart wns homP from Hattie Crel"k a few dayi.; dming his .sp: ing vacation. Rom to Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Iliff of Delanson, N. Y. on March twenty-eight a boy. Let all Alumni note the change of dat.e for commencement and Alumni Banquet, May 27 instead of .June 4th . • Mr. J. F. Barber has been elected into the membership of Phi Delta. Phi fraternity of Columbia University The "frat" is composed exclusively of lawyers and law students, and none but brilliant students are chosen for membership.