The Gavelyte, April 1908
'. l THR r~ VRLYTR, ------------- -------- - --- -- Carl Marshall has been chosen J fiupt. of Cedarville township schools for the coming year. Carl has the 1 ability. I ATHLETICS. Bas ket Ba ll. Mr. Joe Finney, chairman of the BaRkf>t ball is over and Cedarville Banquet committee, will furnish all a ! had a splendid team to represent it. bountiful repast at the coming ban- ·, T~e last game. was played in Dayton quet. Let us not fail to be there. with the Varsity Club, where owing .Toe has begun work already. It~ ~he larger floor, and its slick con- Alumni, let us not forget to write I dnwn our men_ were defea~ed. . Our an article for the Gavelyte along ! boy_s could easily defeat v ars1ty on 'th it· ,. ·t f d t· j' thP1r own floor. One cf the good w1 our mu 1pi1c1 y o u 1es. Cl ·t 'th th th' h t features of this game was the 8 pirit ass I w1 e mgs vou ave o , d d 'f ·t · t d V 1 • ht I manife ted by the little band of stud - o an see 1 1 1s no one a ng · 1 , ents who accompanied the team. ~ol- Rev. and Mrs. 1 homa, Turner have , lowing is the personnel of the t"'am: been visiting here with Mrs. _Turner's I William Watt, '10, captain and mother for a fpw weeks. During the !guard; noted for hi$ ability to guaru time Mr. Turner went lo New York ! hi men, and his baskets made from and visited his parents for a week. I the edge of the floor frequently Prof. Carl Mar hall met with quite Ibrought fort,h applausP. Was a good an accident last Friday evening J Ieader and in that respect an espec– whe11 returning from his school work i ially good example for future C. f'. at ')ifton. His hor e became fright- I captains to follow. ened at a pas ·ing load of fence and ,J. Lloyd Con far, '09, guard; little, overturned his buggy. The Prof. but oh! my. ''Pinkey'' is an equally jumped and escaped injury but a · good guard and his floor work wa, y•rnng lady, coming over with him, exceptionally brilliant. Held down was not so lucky and was sligktly opponents twice hi~ . ize with the ut- hurt about the houlder . most ease. J. Kenneth \Villiam,on, '10, centre, Waide remarked one day that times another star, who ha· out-jumped ev– were rather pre ing for him or may- ery man he has lined up against this be he waR pressed for time, anyway, year. Was out for awhile on account Fld haw inquired who was doinr, of sickness and hi- ab ence was felt the preRRing. in the early gameR.
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