The Gavelyte, April 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. s 0 ~ I r Tt J f s 57 Philosophie s . ry work has helped lots. Several Since the last publication, the com- new members were added to the role pulsory plan in literary work has been at the first meeting of the term and tried in the Societies. SQ far it has the future louks a little brighter. A proved a success and has rai:,ed the I joint meeting of the two societies stanJard uf the meetings to a height I was held in th~ Philo hall on April 6. far exceeding that of the last few I It was well attended and a good pro– y~ars. The fact that the literary I gramme was rendered by the members performance of each student must Iof the Philosophic society. The pro– suit the standard set up by the mem- 1gramme of Philo society had been her of the faculty who is presl'nt, has l mislaid. The following officers have greatly increasPd the valu_e of the I been chosen during the month: Pres. productions. At the March 30 meet- Mr. Ralph Hill, Vice Pres. Phil Dixon, ing the officers chosen for this period Sec Miss Ada Allen, Sergeant at arms year are Pres. Elmer Spahr, Sec. Miss I Right Honorable Wm. Linton. .Janet Tarbox, Vice Pres. H. Haw- ! . thorne, Sergeant at arms Herbert I Y. M . C . A . Milligan. 1 The Y. M. C. A. members had a j meeting last month in which it was Philos. 1 decided to hold regular meetings on The Philos have resumed their lit- i each alternate Wednesday evening eury meetings this term and several I and to make the meeting a colle~e interesting meetings have been held. I prayer meeting. Two meetings have .\s in the othrr society the compulso- been held under this plan and have