The Gavelyte, April 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 7~ The sociPties have been having existence of the Philo anrl Philosophic thPir meetings regularly - but? It he- literary socjeties in our college. gins to look as tho some other I Years gone by they tell us of the . interest and excitement there was method of endeavoring to promote h . , l't 1 . S I ere rn 1 erary rnes. ome argue society interest will h,we t_o be I that we couid have the same interest evolved, or again to suit the interest if we held society contests now and of so many of our busy students why abandoned intercollegiate relations not hold an all-night, session of the with other institutions. and tho literary societies once a term. This is I there may be ·some truth in it, it only another example of ~here we I would seem rather strange that will have to strengthen our work. when ever we see a thing that is good Literary work is essential, yes vital and beneficial to us, we always have - to success in any line of the world's I to have some prize or some incentive work to-day and it certainly seems a I to urge us on to that thing. If crime that we college writers have so , they want to restore inter-society I often to waste valuable space harping I contests and take what goes with _ on the same old string from time to those contests- well and good do time in an pffurt to arousP collrgP I so speedily; but let us keep a sort of spirit sufficiently to lead men and I Foreign Mission work on our hands women of this coll!-'ge to think more I by yearly meeting and de-feating or Ri-riou ly of the opportunity and the I being defeated by institutions which pri ,j\eg~ afforderl to them hy the I represent more than ~oriety interests.
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