The Gavelyte, April 1910
71 1'111~ I; \ \' t,;1, !'!•,, s 0 z; I r T.· I f ~ Y . W . C . A . i ~plf'nclid work and much l'l'Pdit i: du<' 'l'he Y. W. l'. A. met>ting for :,1arch i them for the firm basi on which our :-n wa. one of the be t held this year.' y ar-old a, so iation i; already placed. The ubject was taken from Drum- Next week we hope ~ to have mond' ' ·<;reatestThing in the World" with u ~liss Helen .'ewall, our i:;tate and , lection:l from _this were read hy secretary, whos presence la3t spting se\'en I of the girl The leader, ! was such a help and inspiration . Lelia ~ltlrgan, did not allow the I Philo. I. intere~t to lessen for a minute but I Philo ha been keeping UJ.> the good saw to it that the time was interest- 1 record made last semester. \Ve ha\'e ingly and profitabl_v filled . I had an interesting .program every At the busine ~ meeting held March !Monday evening. 23 the following officer ·were elected : J We spent a happy evening with t. Pre ident, Florence v\ illiamson; Vice- I Patrick in Ireland · ~farch ·21. The pre ident. 11a Ramsey; ecretary, I progr am con i ted of biograph!e of Grace Beckley-; Trea urer,. Bertha I noted Irishmen, essays, Irish ongs tormont. The new cabinet has I and an Irish dialogue, 'Th Four- already started into ·work with the I leaved Shamrock". The mu ic by the as, istance of the old and i making j quartette was especially enjoyed. plan for the coming year which are Monday evening April 4, a 'hake– to make the a sociation stronger and spearean program was given . Charar– hetter in many respects. The oflic-~rs ·ter sketches of Lady Macbeth. hy– uf the pa t year under the presidency I lock and Macbeth were read. ther of Mi~s .Tean1::tte Orr . have done I numbers of the program were:
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