The Gavelyte, April 1910

C}!;LJAJ.{VlLLB COLLBGE. ohe GAVELYTE, j PUB LISH ED BY TH E I I SfUDENTS OF CEDARVILLE COLLEtiE. I I Basket Ball Financial Statement. 74 .-\ ~lONTHLY PUBLICATION ! Once more the Cedarville Athletic . . j A8sociation is ' able to give the 1<:1J1 ,·r!'rl 11s Sf'cond Chss Ma il Matte r, rn the ' l'<1rit Ofi:lcf'a.L Cedn.rvil le, Ohio, .T/Lnu11.ry 19, 1906., financi31 report of the B~sket Ba!) Edi to•· iu Chief _ EDWARD SHAW, , 10 j season. For the past few yeats A~... ociutc ~:ditor - w. P. HARRIMAN , '11 l basket ball has been the main game LiternryEditor - MlSSJEANNETTE ORR, '09 d . t t' hf 11 ' a ' that th1's . . ! MISS ADA ALLEN ' 10 an we can ru u y IS ) S,icietr Edit.o rs - ' , . EAB.LMcCLELLAN, rn : year has been the most snccessful of Athleric Editor - CHARLES YOHO, '18 . 1 mss GRACE JIEvKLEY, •12 J all and hope that we can continue to Loc11l .1<:ditors WENDELL l<'OS'l'ER, '12 ; , , , • HOWARD McGAFF1cI( , •1a I increase 1r1 every way as we nave m Alumn i Editor - '.\HSS CARRIE J;' INNEY, '081 the past year. Business ~fgr - D. T. RR lG HAM, '10 . { s. F. OREs_w~LL, :L? I The financial report is as follows: As;:t. Bns rn ess irgrs. - P . D. DIXON , 12 H · $325 63 DEWITT MORGAN, 121 ome game receipts....... .. .. . ERNEST FOSTER, 'li.l ,.., '!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-- Out of town guarantees........ 338.18 There will be but one more issue of the GAVELYTE this year - the May and June numbers combined. It will be the best number of the current volume and will contain cla:,;s pictures and matter of interest to college ~tudents and alumni. I I Total receipts .......... $664.41 Home game expenses .......... 264.75 Out of town games........... . . . 396.97 Total expenses..... .. ... $661.62 Balance........ .. . 2.79 I announce my · candidacy for 1 J WM. MARSHALL Prosecuting Attorney, Will Serve you with First~Class subject to the Republican primary 1· Ice cream Soda water etc May 17th 1910 ' ' F. L. Johnson - . and with Attorney-at- Law . XBNIA , OHIO. I . Choice Cut Flowers. ~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~ DELICIOUS Ice cream, Sodas, Dopes, Phosphates, lees at C. M. RIDGWAYS'. We Fraflle Pictures! Full Line Athletic Goods Zells• Book Store, Xenia, 0 . Near Post Office .