The Gavelyte, April 1910

The Gavelyte. VOL. V. APR I L 1910. Mon tana . 13Y K C. f-1-'Alil{, '() NO. 4. .\t, the n•que. t of Dr. J>lcChesney 1 will try and set Montana before you a~ it has :;1:>t:"111ecl to me from reading . 1\lontana i:4 the third ~tate, in tiize of our union. It has unlimited re– ~ources, it would .eem. !Ls mines, the fertility of its oil, the tsCope for in\·ention i.- unlimitt"d, if not exhaustless . Wt" a re i11 a country where the counties are the size of states. Cu, ter coun1y, of whieh Mile· City i,- the county seat, is over one- ixth the size of Ohio. It is . ix times the siz"' of Rhode I land. The bu iness of all this vast amount of l Lnrl, its criminals kept, et~.. is all done in a building of very ·mall proportion"; not being as large as your eollege building. ThPre is a book of over two hundred pages, gotten out by the State ot Montana, :howing its resourctis and endeavoring to get men (with money, of c,,un,t') to come and ::.ettle. .'umf> few do this and all the daily papen; have t Jw \'i<·tim's namf', in Jargti black letters, acros the front pc:1ge Then' has IJeen, Uf) to lately, nothing raised without irrigation. Here, whl 0 re the Yt>llowstone and the Tongue rivers meet, and we of the East al– most PXpect to see good crops, nothing but sage brush and wire grass grow e\t·n down tu th rivers' edge. Then the beautiful(?) panorama breaks into - cotton wood trees. Across thP river we see abrupt bluffs arisin~. Com– inK to these we find the celebrated ba<i lands. Walking for an hour or &o Wfl i-:Pfl nothing but uare hill and su<idenly upon our limited vi, ion bur~t. the.· sight of two or three ptne trt:>es about fo r ty miles away! \\'ith this in view let us look at tatistics and compare them with the nation. The nited ~tates will appear fir. t and Montana second in all com– pari. ,,n..;. In Montana al"llP thf' outpnt <,f gold for the years 1862- 1907