The Gavelyte, April 1911
11 I r1! J·~ l_i :\ Vt:L YTE, -- ·----------------- Rev. Alvin Orr , '97, was a visitor in t he senate during the past week. Mr. E dward Shaw, ' 10, spent an hour in Cedarville with friends April 5th. Miss Louise Smith, ' 03, has g on~ t o Ch icago to t ake up the study of art m t he Art Institute in that city. Mr. Gowdy Williamson, '07, who is a ttending Harvard University is spend– ing his Easter vacation in Vermont. Rev. Walter Condon, '00, and wife have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watt of Cedarville for the past fortnight. Mr. Charles Baskin, '07, who is stud– ying medicine in Ann Arbor University, is spending his vacation with friends near Cedarville. Peter Knott, '06, has recently beeh joined by his brother Paul in North Da– kota. Both young men have taken claims in that state. At a recent communion service in Boston Rev. Clarence A. Young, '00, received forty new members into his congregation. We congratul at e him on hi s success in hi s work.
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