The Gavelyte, April 1911

UEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 116 And still Anna Collins is vowing vengance against one of the C. C. girls because Hugh T's buggy was seen s~anding in front of her home a short I time ago. After hearing that Prof. Allen had secured a position in Knoxville College, and a five-room cottage, Ila informed the girls that they had not heard the best part about that proposition. Will the person or persons who swiped a cake of ice that wa:5 to have been ussd in the Lab. return same immed– iately and avoid further trouble. R. A. Lanning. "He who fights and runs away, Will live to fight another day.,. Mere cheapness is poor recommendation for the Was probably what Prof. Allen, Mc- Gaffick and their fair companions had clothes man must wear. in mind wh~n they sped down the street The cloth ou~ht to be wool. the other rnght. . Th 1· · fi · h. f . . . . . e 1n1ng an n1s 1ngs o Miss Sm1t~:-(durmg re~1tat10n on good quality style right and French cardmals and ordmals) - Mr. I h·' h b ' Shroades. How do you make dates? I workmans lp t e est. R. s. :- Er-ah. Health, comfort and econo– Miss Sm~th:-I don't believe you\ my depend on these. Then know anythmg about them. 'f th · · bl 1 e price 1s reasona e you Prof. Jurkat should become a detec- have the "cheapness" worth tive. After six months hard work he has deduced a plan by means of which r;oing after. he can keep his second Y.ear German Uits and overcoats, $15 to class from their counting ahead and $35-with special strength in studying out their particular . senten.ce the lines at $15, $20, and in . He now has the pupils recite $25. !Jr'<>Inl cuously. 1 Value~ tell why our Smart Clothes ONE o THE IJIGH SCHOOL. I sell so well. A traveling man passed by the school I TheGRAVE &MEADE Co. h,,use while th 'Y were taking a singing J, red B Wilson, Pre.,; l<>s. un. Hearing the strains from a eurn ,t, Iii curiosity was aroused and It n lw rut up town he asked if that squ:.l'e bnck uui(d!ng ne~r the paper mill a. a rP1·1u1tlllg tatton. };-,rank Dijpew, TreaA. & Manager. First 'J'he Take Balcony Arcade Elevator DA Y'l'l l. • OHIO.