The Gavelyte, April 1911
.. {t Globe Cash W 1 ~~~!:i~~ Stamps Sales Tickets /;j: Given J. W. Fox, Vice Pres. and Manager. Given ;~~ - YOUNG M AN - !_:j; ~~~ A young man's best introductory card in either the business or .• { professional world is his clothes. SELECT THEM WI.TH CARE. f) ' t ~\ WILLNER'S ARE DAYTON'S ONLY AGENTS FOR I~-~. {! ADLER ROC~~~~::y BRAND ~ ~-AN.~D_o_F_ o_T_H_E_R_ '_'T_o~P_N_o_T_ c_H_ "_M_ A_K_E_s_ o _F_c_L_o_T_H_ rN_ G __ ~I~ t M EN AND YOUNG MEN'S tJ: {! SUITS and OVERCOATS } { At $10, $15, $20 and Upwards i-:. {~ W_ILLNER Hats and F'urnishings Etc. /i~ . ~·:•:i;;:· • .~._.. ,.-,;;;:·• . ~·:e-."'/i:- ·• ·.·:•·:~:";. ·•. ~·:e·:~;;: ·• .~·:e:i!;: ·•. ~·:e·.i !~:~ .~·:'9,.,:;! ·~. ~·:e:i:~ ·• . ~·:e"."!!~ ·• . ~·:e-.~!;' • .~·:•:~·• . ~ ......~:~·• i~~§~E~~;1If~E~~, I BOCiGAN MA DE GARMENTS I Ours is the home of the famous BOGGAN-MADE GARMENTS. The tailored suits are strictly up-to-date in every respect made of the very newest weaves, and all materials are sponged, shrunk and steamed Evening Gowns, Evening Wraps, Street Dresses and Suits Mi]ljnery Shi-rtwaists Hosiery Neckwear Lea ther Goods, Gloves, Corsets, Etc. Are Our Specialties. SPECIAL I which meo:~t~~~ ;;;_~~J'EJ~if '' low p<h-.s • 24 e. Main-St., Both Ph o n e~ Sprin gfie ld, Ohio, ,~_,.~_,.,...,....,,senUtllltJla ,,,,.._.,•!JIJ1J1'
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