The Gavelyte, April 1912
I 111 I L r 0 ' tor h 11111 lo t ll ho 111 ,II I J. 111 \' I ' I' It II T,111, ti 111d \ ll 1, Hullun, Blue Ii •1, rnd l'11rnp . MOSER'S SHOE STORE. XENIA, OHIO . COTTRE L & LEONARD ALBANY, N. V. Makers and Renters of Caps , Gowns and Hoods to the American College and Universities, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Class Contracts a Specialty The Western Theological lcosTUMES ~ SUPPLIES Seminary N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Founded by the Genera.I Assem= bly, 1825. The Fnt'ult~ t'onststs of se,·en profr•sor,; and four instru!'tor,. The t'Our e of tudy is thor– Olll!hly prarti!'al, and is intrndrrl to ir,1in men a pastor and preacher~. The elet'ti\'e r~tcm en– ables ,tudents to prepare thernse(n,. for .-pe<'ial form" of Chri~tmn acti\'ity, embrnctni;?: hri,tian ·ocioJogy, C'ity mi,~ioo,;, ,,•ttlemeni work, etC'. Ext'eptional librarv facilities-30,000 ,.olume~. A post gradua e ~cholar~h1p of ._:mo is annually a"nrtled. Gymnasium and athletit' grounds. A new dormitory. "i h all the modern c•rnven- ienC'P.... contain111...: a ~.r1nnu:;;iuni. l(an1e room, - FOR- Amateur Theatricals Cl ,ass Plays. and To Hire and for Sale at KAMPMANN COSTUME HOUSE, and rlininl! hall i- "eqrin~ C''>mpl!'11on For C'atu- 69- 71 East State Street, I e 1Hl<ir ., REV. JAMESA.KELSO,Ph.D., D.D. Columbus Ohio . I ,
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