The Gavelyte, April 1912

The Gavelyte VOL. VI. APRIL, 1912. NO. 13 ~-.....,...~~~""'.r.J-......,..,.."'"""""".......,....,..._.......,...,.._,-..,....,..."""'""'"'""""'~"" ~ ! An Incid!tJL?L!:owhatan. ! ........ .......,...,...........,.""".....,.. ......... ...._...---"-'"""'~"'""~~~~~...,..._.......,...,"-~-~~ A g reat cloud of dust rolled up the road after a departing cab v.hich had just deposited a rather small weary gir l on th e steps of Powhatan. The fall term in this '·Select School for Young Ladies" was just starting . The corri– dors were filled with the students,--the old ones greeting thei r hiends and the new ones getting acquainted. Above all the clatter and confussion a sweet voice was beard asking, "would you please direct me to the President?" The speaker was very p lain yet her personality was so attractive th at everyoue wa~ charmed. Beatrice Gn;y. the college beauty and recognized leader, seeing in this new girl a rival for the affections of the school, which had always been toward herse lf, coldly gave the desired direction. vV .1~11 the: little strang::r hd pa,3ed away, Ruth Stahly remarked, "What a dear girl!" To which Beatrice mumb led in re– sponse, "Yes, very, those clothes are a disgrace to this institution." At dinner the girls were a ll made acquainted with each other; and their jolly chatter filled the dining hall. Beatrice, very much out of sorts on ac– count of having tu give up the attractive room she had had the year before, was completely vexed when Pruf. Gordon presented the last arrival Miss Rose Lee, adding, "A new member fur your Sophomore class." The afternoon was devoted to the organization of classes, assignment to rooms and general settling down for the work of the coming year. After a few weeks Rose won for herself a place in the hearts of all her classmates and teachers. Her lessons were alw.1ys prep.ared, and she always had time to Jo some little tdsk L>r someone. About this time the Englisl1 professor announced tu the girls that a prize had been offered for the best original story that would be presented before the Thanksgiving vacation. Of course everyon e in the English class was in– terested, !Jut all felt certain that either Beatrice or Rose would win. Beatrice's writings we:re always full of spirit, exc itement, and interest while Rose's best