The Gavelyte, April 1912
1111 , 11 rr ,lll j t' kllC\\ f10 11 th' prl· llll 1111 her ri\ Ii' f I ' ,I h,1dt,l.rnnclhlrstnn. 1 tcrrililc IL,11tnok hold 11f hn du ·uon might in s11111c ,, .1y lll' better th,111 ,he 1,n,llld read \\ha hid h·cn ,Hitll'll, 11 ht:c•ntld find it. come qui ·t he lipped nni ·ell's Ir £n,m ht:r roum, ( f,>r it w,1s in the le ,it– tractive e.1 t wing 110\\ ), ,H ross the h.dl , ,md •ntered l'osp' n 1111, • h • light d he ,haded stud · lamp ,111d qllickly rt:,1d the manuscript before her. , ' , her fe,1r· had n1lt been grinrndle .. thi., \\,I. L1r better th,,11. he could e,·er hop· to l! . The only conr. cleft for her to devclope thL . me plot ,Hiding: touches of her own indi, id11,dity, and hand it in before Rv e cuuld ti11i. h her . Thu. he could win the pri1e ,rnd h11lllili,1te her ri,al; f11r it wo11l l he r,1ther ea y to prove that l\Ii Lte wa guilt}' instead o[ herscl. Ina few day Ii GorJnn announced that 1is Grey had pre entc-J a plendid ,tory. By thi· time !'use·· wa complete SD he gave it to the Prole. - . or. It chanced, howenr, th,lt tw1 n;gh heft re a few of the girl including Beatrice had had a chafing dish p,trty in he west win~. and that a prok.. ,r had een R e in the corridnr Jirectly m front of Beatrice ronm. Beatrice al o declared that .ome f I er paper. had been !:'tolen, and they were found in one of Rose' bouk . o e, erything looked black for ponr little Rose. The next day, Beatrice, when putting on a ring which he had not worn since the night of her wicked ,·i it, di,covered an opal to be mi sing. :\luch ~earch wa made all over the building, but it could not he tound . On the morning which had hcen . et for Rose to appear bdore the faculty. Ruth Stahly her e,·er true friend paid her a hurried call giving her all the en– couragement he could. The un hine [ell directly on the writing de k. \\'ith a cry Ruth sprang to her feet and picked from the floor a fiery opal which both recogniled a the lo t unc. ldeatrice now saw that it would be hard to Cl>nceal her theft, o he con– fe. sed that he took the plot and al o that he had put the papers in Ro e'· book herself to thr w the blame on Ro e. Thi offence wa worthy o[ e ·– puL i... n hut he .eemed o truly penitent that she wa allowed to remain and receive her puni hment in the chool. The prize was then awarded to little Rose, the real winner.
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