The Gavelyte, April 1912

CEDAR\' l LLE COLLE(;E 290 l ~~~~~ The Minstrel Show. ! ~ One of the mo t cleve r min trel show ever put on in Cedarville was staged by the boy of Cedarville Col:egt- in t he Opera H0use he re on Friday evenin~, April 5th, and in James town the fol lowing ev ening. H e re it made quite a hit and at Jame town it wa also a gra nd uccess. On both occasions the Opera House were packed with eage r and delighted audiences. The min ~trel troupe is composed of fifteen col lege boys and each p roved td be there with the "goods" . T hey were co turn ed in fine yellow satin suits and made a mo t impo ing appearance 1)n the stage. Th e end men we re at– tir :d in costumes o f red an d purpl e . Th ey were: "Kam" Ross, "Snic'' F oster, E 1rl ;\JcClellan and Roscoe McCorkell a nd each one o f them would do credit to any min trel show in th e bu iness. After the 111 · 11 trel part of the program a short comedy sketch, "A Matri- monial Agc?'cy", was given by about thirteen col lege boys and girls. To say the least it wa the: most amusing feature of the ente rta inment. The two features of the prog ram especially attractive were a d anc ing ''stunt' ' put on by l\1arcellus Townsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P . T ownsl ey, r1nd a clevec munulogue by 1r W. P. Harriman, of th e college . At both Jamestown and Cedarville the Jamestown Symphony Orchest ra funii hed the mu ic. Miss Grace Beckley pre ided a t the piano, and to her and Prot. Siegler and Mi s Vera Andrew, who assis ted in its prep a rations much credit should be given for its succe Y. M. C. A. During the past month, the Y. M . C. A . meeting,- have been exceedingly rnterestmg and helpful. The topic discus ed have been of a practical nature and some most valuable lessons have bee n b rot out. lt is expected that Mr. Kirkpatrick, who has for two years been at the head of the Y. M. C. A. work in Ohio State University, will b e with us on next Friday to a sist in maping out the work for the coming year. Mr. Lichty will not be able to visit u this yea r as his labors have b een increased by the tran ferance of two of the t raveling tate sec retarys to the entral offices in New York City, howeve r we know that we have the prayers and sympathy of tbat noble Christian worker and we hope and pray that he may be given strength for the added ta k and trust that he may long be per– mitted to go about among the colleges uf the state shedding abroa d sunshine and go ,d will and pointing the young men in these in titution! to the life of purity and service.