The Gavelyte, April 1913
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 13 KAMPMANN COSTUME WORKS I The Western Theological Seminary 287 S HlGH ST. COLUMBUS, OHIO . Costumes and Supplies for Amateur Theatricals and Class Plays Favors and Table De.::orations for Ba n– qu et, Luncheon E tc. FOR ALL OCCASIONS ----------- -· - The Munk Floral Co. l9 SO. HIGH ST. ----o•- --- Cut Flowers, Boquets and De– signs for all occasio11s. --- - 0---- COLCMBUS, OHIO STUDENTS STOP A'l' The Bridge Barber Shop N S., Pittsburgh, Pa . Founded by the General assembly, 1825 A comple te modern th eo log ical cur– ri culum, with c: l('ctiv cou rses leading to the d egree of B D. Graduate courses of t he Un iversity of Pitt burgh , leadin g to degrees of A . M. and Ph D. , are open to properly qualified stud ents o f the Seminary . Unusual oppo rtunities fo r investi – gations in soc ia l and se ttl ement work. Exceptional library facilit ies . Two post-graduate scho la rship of $500 each, prov iding for a year of study in a European Unive rsity . A new dormitory, equ ipped with the latest modern convenie nces, including dining room, gymnasium, and social hall, was opened Septembe r, 1912. Students of all d enomina ti ons wel – comed on equal te rms. For information ap ply to J President James A. Kelse. I 1 Western Ohio's Largest Business School. THE JACOBS BUSINESS COLLEGE Dayton, Ohio Large Illustrat ed Catalogue sent free . W. C. HARBOTTLE, Principal.
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