The Gavelyte, April 1913

11 l I \ II thi11 nr ,my 1the1 't1untrv. Here tOLl h £1mnd ther w •re p 1we1" and 1ntere t which pull rl tC>~ ·ther o secure their wn oh1c t,, ,rnd h determined tu break up tht· comhin . H had given them to und •r,t,rnd h •f1,rc the election that he stood '-•pi.ire on th platf1,rm, and that if t·l~ctcrl he intended tn he the head 11! hi· p.uty in the atate. The c were 11> m convinced th,1t thi~ was n!lt ,1 mere threat as 11th· er· had made, hut that he , a the leader ab·olutely. In all hi onflict the governor simply reminded them of the pledge cont ined in the pl.1tfrorn !Ill which they ecured their offici::, ,rnd that it wa not their will but the will of the people they were to carry out. Naturally hi brilliant record ,1ttra.cted the attention of the entire nation Ito the 'ew Jer ey guvernor. He wa.: written about, and talked about in every state and city thr<>ughout the country. Hi adrmrer began to agitate the que - tion Wilson for Pn: ident. The echo of that que tion spread throughout the nation, and fin a lly hi c ndidacy wa lau nched. The older democrat recog– nized in him the man who wc1- to unite them and lead them out o[ the political wilderne I where they had .o long wandered into the promi ed land o( power and plenty. There remains little to be said of the career of this great man. Time and the event of the next few year will no doubt add much to it lu tre. Ho ts of hi upporters will be di appointed if at Wa hington he doe not lhow him– self a veritable Ma ter Builder. Contributt-d to The Gavelyte by a Former Student. Geneva Glee Club. On :'-.1onday_e vening, April 7th we had with u the Glee Club from Geneva College. They gave a very gool concert in the Opera House, a concert which showed they had been well trained. Each member of the Club wa a student of Geneva and much _pirit wa shown when they sang their college song . The orche tra, compo ed of two \'iolin , cornet, cla rinet and pianu, rendered