The Gavelyte, April 1914
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE the "might have beems" ,and in,crease ,the " ·has beens" for I would rather be ,a "ill.a£: ,been" Than a "mig,ht •have ihe,en" by f ·ar For a "·migh't have lbee:n" h1aS1 never ·been And a "·has" w,a,s olllce an " ,a,re." -"A M1ghit Have Been." A GOATY AFFAIR. Backwal'd, turn backiward 0 tlme in your flight, ::\lake me a c•hild •ag·ai-n Just for t-O-rui,gh,t.. We kids, (just girl r , you know, ,c,au s'E Htne ,g,ir}s don't 1b.ave no boys to their part<ics) had a p•nrty •dut to 1Buf Rn.mis·ey's .hous•e on 1M1on– day nig,hit and we just ·mad the mo:s1tesit fun. We ·haid a ,t:eririf.u,l, d~e1ful time getting way out •there ·i,n the ,ooullltry 1 biut we we,ren't 'fva:id1 'tall cause you know IHazeli Lowry, why sihie .t·ookeid 1her gireait 'biig dog (its name is Bright Eyes and yiou 'me•mib ~r Pr,of. Jurkl:>t ,found it in a s•a:ck one -day) •and it k r·pt e.ver 'thiin:g from •hurten us,. We too'k our doll" and teddy-bears, too, 1but t·hey didn't kieep us ,from ,geitt1in' ska,red much like the ,dog did. We •had lots, o.f goo 1 d tib'in•g;3 to eat, wby Oh,! my, we had fis 1 h (you lrnow what h1as l·ots 1 0.f bon,e.s in and is, awful ..s-alty) and pickle·s and anirnu le c1,a,okie,rs, and a.11 day suicke1vs (the·y didn't last th?.t long really and tru1'y ·tJho) and that stuff wlhat liooks like jeHy only it ain't and cake and I •g,uess tihat's ,a,bout a:11. !We played some games and t:hen 'cauis·e •it w.a,s· ·getti,n! ! 1ate we ,cia:med· Jhome but some of them girl,s w,as ska-red to come •h 1 ome •all 'by themselV"es so some of thEm r. C. boys had ,to comfl out ,rufte•r tbem. This is the first attempt tboa,t ·bias ev·er 1 been mad·e 1by 1 the gids to edit an is•sue of the G,ave1yte, so ,as yet. we ,rure quite ~ne:xipe1·ie1nC"ed along this tine. For various rE:1ac:ons tMSI issue has ,f,allen fbe'1 1 0,w our ideals and our w·ish is that tihose to wihiom it ,comes may 1 100,k up,on it with a grrnt d ,al o.f cbia.rity. Our gl'f atest gl,ory is not in nev·er 1laillin,g, lbuit iin rising every time we fall. Blow not into a fl,ame th,e s ,pa.rk wlhioh •is kindled lbotween bwo fri r nds . ThEy are eas 1 ily re onciled, and wHl 1 both hate y,ou. 9
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