The Gavelyte, April 1914
10 AV LYT Bits of Locals (ln G rman) Iis, Ritchi - "Mr. HHe plr,as give us the POE>m, 'Du •bist m in." ~Ir. Rife-"I don't b lieve I know it." :viiss Ramsey (starting itl - "Du bi" t mein, Ich bin dein." Rev. All en, of Beav T Fall!', visitEd th school on Mond>ay, Mfatch 30. The tJheme in •his chapel talk: wia~ "The dv,a,nt•ages of a Small Ins titu lion." Miss res,we1l did excellent work in training the 'Seniors fo.r their 'Play, one eS1pecirully. If you want to see something real c1assy, get Grace 1 and m::·z11i'Jetb to dance t•be tango whBe bbe ordhestr·a (F:ck Anrlerson) plays ··. ink Lady." Billy H. upon being ~sked whether be would k e'P d'Oor for t'he Seniors !:•aid, " Sorry, but I've got •a ,case.'" However be ex•plained that he was not -sorry lbecause he had a case but because be could no,t keep door. Heard from ·Wadd•l es' 'Parlor April ls't: Oh, David Dav 1 :d ! Some New P rover bs. "A ring on the finger is wort h two on t•he phone ." "Be a live wire ·and y,ou won' t get stepped on." P. H. to Ragman-"Do you take rag,s and• bones?" Raigman-"Get on the s•cales." Mary B.---lWonder why PTof. AI1En pe;rsi·,ts in calling Duncan "1:vir. Turnbull?" Hazel ,S.-How very remiarka 1 ble ! tHowever the laws of ass-0ciatJ'on will probaibly eXJplain it. Clyde to R. W. when caught by him in game, "I ain 't yours." Nancy (waiting for Paul to hunt his cap after S!Ooiety)-"Tbis· bbing of hiding caps has simply become istale." 0. M. R itchie's version of ·a i:,tanza o,f "We Are S·even " I meit ,a Htt,le college gi.rl s ibe was sixteen she said; Her hair was thick with many a curl That clu s tered round her hEad. (1W1bo?) Their favorite s1ongs- Col'k's-'1How Can I Leave Thee?" Duncan's-"Kathleen, My K:aith1een, from 01d Krnarney." Their favorite au'thor– Elder's-Cooper. Bruce's- Scott Thei,r favorit e retreats-
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