The Gavelyte, April 1914

12 THE GAVELYTE ATHLETIC NEWS. Our only long 1rip was to Li:;hon ancl l•~ar'lh:1111 . In all w1• hav •play d twc.lve ganlEis, tv.o ga1m s aC'h w:.,th Ure nville iH. ·.:,., Leib– .anon ,n,ive1,siity, and IJ 1ame,s,t•own H. 1 S.: thr wil'h Antio,c;<h, ancl one f'a h wHh Earlham, Transy lvania and Kentucy itaite Univer.,;iiti s. Ou.r largest score was 3 to 2 whien we defEa.te•d J ,a•mE,s•town, while t'be cl1osest gaimes were wi,bh G·1 eemme on our fl,o,or and Anti·O'c,h at Yeillow Sp.ri-n,gi:;, the scoreSI 1 bE 1 Lrug ev(n until the last few minutes. The total score of ou.r 0 1 pip,onemt's ::s only 167 to our 147 p,oin,ts. ,We ne,cd not feel rbiadly 1beoau\S•e we 'have not won more th•an fo•ur gia.mes for ,we h 1a:ve haid ,to pl,ay a'l,l k>ind,s ,o,f rulEiS, regular girls' rules w'irth two ceniters anrd ,us,in,g lbo.t1h field' lines; rand, with only one cell'ter; usiing o•ne field •and both cente,rs playing over the who1'e floor; and rngufa r ,bo,ys' rule·s. Vie 1alway,s, trry bo win, 1but whE'D. we lo c.-,e we enjoy s .:·ein,g the ·Oltlher 'teiam vfoto~ious iall'd realize that ,winll'inig i:s no,t t'he only a:im in basket ball. At bhe la:rger s•Clhools where we hiav 2 p,layed an•d Jost oua· cihaipe1on rhas o ,f.te- n 'b.: en comp,Ji,mE:nM wpon the way in which team took defeat. The lfi:neu,p: Misses Rachel T •a,rbox rand 'Bertfua ,'::tc rmont, \\ ho •brave done excel,lent work in breaking up pas.swork and close ,guard:ng; ,Mis,s,e..s IDlizrubcrt!h Co•rnwell ,a;nd Mary H.9.s1.rin•gs pl1ayed 1st and 2nd center, and have done S'pl endid work; tlhe captain, Mi·ss •:Worton, aud the 'llafil•::i.ger !b·ave played, excepU.onally well and t his wa,s e•viideint when slhe returned to iheir place in th e rs,ei..-:ond •half of the g•am,e with Xell'iia. Mis:sers Biiird, S'cott and OoUins :Jlavc s,ulb s1t1iituited ,and pir'Oven good when given tihe ~hiance. ALUMNI NOTES. Rev. and Mrs. Ernest B. Mc0lel,l1an, of MoundsviUe, are enjoyirng a visit with h•is siis1:e,r, •i\Hsis Janet, from XE.nia. Mr. Fred Williamson a,rnd• family recently t:o·ok po,ssession of ·bis father's farm, near Xenia. Mr. and: 1Mrs. Jorhn r1as,h, of Dayito,n, spent s•evePal d,ay,s• with heir parenlts, near Cedru-ville. 1M,iss Juna Hrurbis·on, ·of Oo'1'u1mlbus. s 1pent the 29th 'QJf M1arch at ihome. :Miss M•arthia Knott visited severa.J d1ay,s with 'Ceidiarvi11e fri·ends recently. Mr. FrE<l Hird has ·been elected •pl'es•ident of the recently organ– ized Psyoholrog'ical S'ociety 1a:t 0. S. U. Mis•s Josrephi ne Orr has returned from an eight weeks' v•is'iit in Pittsburg, Pa., and Mounds'Vi,lle, W. V1a. ·On her way home she v.i•sHed seve•Prul dayis •at 'M,us'kingum College, and •Wlas acC'om.J)'anied h1ome by ,t,wo of the s,tudents, 1Milss•es F'ranrces •Pa:bton •and Lois Boyd, Who spent their Ea:siter vacatiron 'W'i,tJh OedarvHle friend·S'.