The Gavelyte, April 1914

KAISER Steam Laundry The Exchange Bank Local Agent JOHN C. WRIGHT Birthday and Wedding Cake a Specialty Ludlum C!J Post Patronize Our Advertisers It is not too soon to be thinking about that com– mencement gift. Call and see about it at J. \Va Johnson's · The Jeweler CEDARVILLE, 01110 4 Per Cent Interest P.1id on Savin~3 ... Grow With Us ... Walter Cultice Successcr to C. H. C:-~•\!t.?. Pt1eat [r1arket Best cuts of all meats. Come in and inspect our stock. J.E. WADDLE FOR Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Candies LOOK HERE! Any time you want Ice Cream Spring , Summer or ·winter. SEE rtiE. Wm. 111ARSHALL