The Gavelyte, April 1914
18 THE GAVELYTE LANE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CI CIN~A'.rI, OHIO. Eight y-s<.>cond Year. Alliance wit h the Univers ity of Cin– cinnati for advance degrees. Address Presid ent WILLIAM McKIBBI Interior and Exterior Decorators ROW COLLAR 2for25¢ Cluett Peabod & Co.,lnc. Makers A ''S quare Deal'' for everybody is the "Spalding Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an a rticle bearing the Spalding Trademark that such article will give sati5faction and L. S. BARNES & CQ a reasonable amount of service. ., A. G. Spalding & Bros. Xenia, Ohio Wall paper, Paints, Varnishes 119 East Fifth Ave., Picture framing and Stationery Cincinnati, Ohio.
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