The Gavelyte, April 1914

THE GAVELYTE VOL. VIII APRIL, 1914 NO. 7 "Follow the Gle a1n" Down in a dark cave r nous mine sihortly afte r a g.r,eat m dis– aster, a man is groping aro·und ,in the ruin s1trivin,g ,to find· lhii,s way, to safety. Pale and haggard he wanld•e,rs through th•e dark, dingy cav– erns, encounterirng ind,es·cri 1 bable danger•s . Discoura,ged ,after ih 1 avln,g followed so many way'" which p,r.oved mis·le•a d'ing, he faI,l s and s,cia!'ceily iha.s strength to rise an·d pursue ,his •pe,r,i~m1s cour se. While ,pond·e r1ing over Ms misfortune, far off he see•s, ·a small gleam o.f ligiht. Im– m ediately he is st,rengthened aml d'ire'Cts his cour s•e t o t he gJ,eam of lig'h t, which pToves to be an ,opening t,o bhe fresh 1 air and br'i.,gihit sunshine. Thus a,s t'he ind•ividual beheld1·t!he ray of lig 1 ht ,gudd·ed, 1him to life and lig·ht, we at some time in 'OU.r ,lives h·elb.10,ld a g'l e,am 01f in,spiration in our hearts, wh lc•h if f•ollowed will rua'Ve a great influence on our life work. The gleam or vis,i,on may be given to anyone at ,an y,ti me. Circum– sfances vary. This beacon of Divine gu 1 idance ma.y assume any form triat the human mind is capable of recognizing and may be given when least expected. Youth is the Hason of 1bu.ilding uip in ha,btits, hope,s and f.aitlhs, the period in which the mentaJ horizon :i,s overflowi ng w i1t:b i'de,a,l's. One is then obtaining educ,ation, and lo'Oking foriwar d inito the future, contemplatirng 1 hi,s duti es and wo 1 rk in life, his professi'On, o,r in other words, "'building a:iir cas,t1es." 1 It is at tb1is time the ,g,lea:m o,f irus!p,ira– tion is brightened, but as he fo.Uows it and ,stirives to miak'e hi·S' way through the rugged pathway 1 of life, meeti ng obs1bacles ·which s eem imposs,ible the gleam grow,s d•immer. ,some lost sig1ht 'O.f it anrd aifter it is once lost the real mo,tive,s in their Jives are gone. They then have not.ibing to lead them on or g-uid e them and they wandre,r ,around like one l·ost in a vact fores,t. As one goes in fulfilment of vision or gle 1 am be goes, in quest o,f the ideal. \\''hen the ray of ins,prira>Lion .sucld,c nly shines on t h e• ind1ivid– ual he Phould reicognize it as sent from the Divine Po1wer as a mode l after which to fashion hi!" life. When the idrnl is revealed in a visdon be should quickly realize it and se k to r ais it >higiheir. He should