The Gavelyte, April 1914

4 TI IE CA YEL YTE Who's Who Among the Alumni IV. Miss Alfaretta Hammond. It is diffiicult to write lihe biograp,hiEs of tbos who seek seH- effac ,ment, and ye 1 t none are more worthy •to be written. If lives are written in ord er that tbe re::ders may 1 become •better men and women, Wih:at •beitter S'Ulbjects can be cho '" en than tho,se •that s'b<ow f'orth t,he S'pirit of Obrist as a sE.rvant of all? Oif these, the foreign missionaries are the grea,test, 'because they lrn ve home, and friends, to live :i,n <hs,agreeable and dan•gerou-s p.Jaces, and often have as th€tlr re,ward the carp1ng of criticP in the home land. Mis,s Alfaretta Hammond, the only woman amo,ng o,ur graduates wih 1 0 is in the foreign fi 1 eld, ernt€red •c· darv::l,le· Ool:.e,ge in t 1 be F';.:.11 cf 1897 and g'mduated i'Il Ube cJacs of 1903. Blest with a s•turdy constitu– tion, and well 1 prep,ared in her e'.ementary education. sh_e was abl a· to lbiand1Ie in a •ma,s1ter,ly way ,the various ·s 1 tuidies a,s s·be c-ame to them, rund cow,cientious1y ·ate what was set 'b€fore 1he1r at the inteHe,citual feast. She was one of the mainstays of her literary s 1 ::ic.: ety. She w,as a hard worker in the vari-ous activiiti £s of her c,hurcih, especially in the Sablbath Scihool. 1 She was n ever known to induilige in ports or games, but sihe had a go·od time all t he tinie. 1 She went around wi,1:Jh a laugih, not a smile, on ,h,er face. ,Sibe wa,s, a livirrg refutation of the c,J.aim tJbiait 1s 1 olemnity is ·a neccEs 1 s 1 asy concomitant o,f go•odnes,s. These lfaies are written in the hope that sibe will no't see it'hem. In 1904 she went rto ®gypt as a miss1onary under the care of tibe Foreign Missfonary Bo,ard of ·t!he United Preslbyte:rdan Ohurcih. Heire she h111S' lrubiored for te,n years, inlterru,pited only by ,a y,ear's furlough three y,e,ars a,go. '\vlhile she wa,s v,;·s•i,ting here, Ced,aTviUe Co:Ue,ge s,eized 't'he ,o,p,portuni,ty to confer u1p,on he-r tbe d·e,gree of Master of Arts at 1tJhe cammencelIIlent of 1912. 1 Miiss Hammond ha,s an in,telliigerut rgrasp of the mh,,s'ion id2a, and while her n·ame an'd deed,s, arc not em,bl1az;oned on the 'P'i.Uars of faime, she is an exampl·e and exih,or:bation to o,thern t!o e,nrte,r 1:lhe ,greatest en– terprise that commanid.s •human attenitJion and eneTgy. W 1 hen you've got a jo·b to do DO IT NlOiW! If it's on e you wislh was thro,ugb DO TT 'N/OIW! If you're sure the job's your own Just 1:Jack'le it alon.e Don't hem and ihaw and groan DO IT NIOf'iV!