The Gavelyte, April 1914

6 TI I• GAVELYTE "Diem in Die" M1rurch 1-li\,far,oh c·ome·s i,n like a lion anid t1he peo•ple sitay home from church 11: 1 ke lam,bs. Mar h 2--IE'v€ry one has an inw 1 ard-out. ward-alloveris•h-chilly feeling. 10hapel is helid in the IP'hilo, o phic Ha11. M,a,rch 3-Evang,eli,st Tililman l}}olbsiorn Jte,ct:iu,res 1 in ,the 01pe<ra Hous,e. March 4-Tihe Hig'h Schrool ,gives a concert. None of the college students eat canrdy or chew gum or hoM a conveT,i;.1an. 1 on wi't'h heir friends,. oo,uritEous? "Uncoim•monly" s·o ! " Bi.J'I '' Hastin,gs 1has a date. •\Y·bich d1.d •be us e, for ca or grapenuls? Mraroh 5-T,b>irteen F,resibmrn. bea,t 1 H to tb·e country in 'two ri•gs and lun ch in weine r wur~tl ess 1o andi wch ,s. Prof. All n ancl Pr ef. Lanrning a,re t.Jbe 'h 1 0°nror guests. March 6-Ruth (Harris ,bids farewe'll rt•o 'CedarviHe and go £.'3 t,o J:•.1y,ton. o. :vr R.-"You sbouil,d wo,rry." Pfiins ! EvE,ry one gets stu·ck urp 'in hap el. Dayton 'Basket BaLl t e,am arrives in ·Cediarv111e only to le • again, feeling li'ke A,p>ril foO'ls. Mrarc'h 7- 'i,0hts t'lwna or no'thin,g di'dding. 1 March 8-Prof. Al,}En flints, w': vh 'Ruth Mitc 1 hel1 in church. Mra1,ch 9-Tlhe 'bl,arck -'>'beeip •of the Phiil>aid>e ,' ia,n S•ocieity ,are taken hack into the Phfiiadelphii:a.n fold. · Mraroh 10-10ys·te 1 r su 1 piper. "They say Ced 1 aT'Vi,l•le, s·he cannrort eat s·ou1p." Basket 'Hall Game-"They say CEdiar'Ville, s 1 he oa,nll'O•t play baH." J1amestown, 5; Ced'a•rville, 15. Dave Bradfute is all smil,es when Bl 1 an 1 che Turn,bull land.s in bis 1ap art the game. M)ar,ch 11-Y. 1M. C. A. an-d Y. W. C. A. Moire •than 'Usual-cut. Miail'ch 12-StudEnt 'body elects 1 C'edar 'Day Or•ator and 1M1ay Qu € 1 en . 'Everybody yens1--R,a;h! R1aih ! Raih ! Mrar,cih 13........,So,me exreitement-Cedarville (what !i,s, mos,t of it) leaves fo,r Xenfa w1here 1c. C. g;irls meet '.An1ti:och gi 1 rls ,and ·a r e dE.ifeated. I 18-9. 'Ma:rch 14-10: 30 1 a. m.-Kiss me good! mo,rning. Tihe de·foated -are i:'tiU ,s;ri,o,ring. Mairc'h 15-Tl\l'rney hiais ·a "•ri'P'pin:g" time. March 16-"·BiilJ" Cofrns loseS !his voice; als·o, bis ,hearot. Wb-e, e?? ?'! And he,r n·a:me was Maud. Mrareh 17~Prnf. Jurkat (•on iteing as 1 ked w,hy 1he wa,s ,g1 adfo,g w!irth /bl ue 1pernci,1) "H I 1gimde wirtJh ,blue tili€Jn I'm sure it wm 'be r ed (read.) March 1'8-J,oin:t mee-tJing of rt'he Y. M. and Y. W. "cutters" in Prof. 1 Cr:es,well's 1'oom. Proof. Jurkat al1:•o ,aittend,s it. Pr-0f. Jurkat's Hi1otory Cla1o,s gets a ",do,ggone" SUl'PI'ise when Prof. openrs his d,oor and finds Haz el' s dog hanging in Addah T·anneihill's