The Gavelyte, April 1915
B Tl IE CAVELYT£ FrLdny. .Tnly :rn. ---- -------- Traiuin•g conr,·e. . i1wl1u',ing p;enp1·al and ~·pcc'in1 melhocls, psychology, the principles ancl hi s tory o,f cr]ueation, SC'hool on:;an ··ration ancl ma nag 111ent, dbserv,aitiion aind practice of teaC'll1ing, will be g11ven both tor el ·m ntary and hig'h school te,aC'liers. A training school for botih de1partme,n,ts will be main– tained. In addition, postgraduate WOl'k Iea,cling to the deg-r,ee of Miaster of Arts, collegj,ate work leadi>ng to the deg!'ee of Ba,chelor of Arts . all hd1g;h sch1ool s•ubjeC't. a,n•d, commoin branches will be •given. A '1arge arud competent co:rips of irn:,tructors is n,o,w 'bein~ se– cured. Sipecial work will be given 1 i'n domes.tic science, manual tr.ainiing, a•griculture and vocal and instrumen– tal music. SUBSCRIBE FOR "The Cedrus" -04'l'M'D@e•••••ee Lane Theological Seininary Cincinnati, Ohio Modern Curric·ulum . Co-operation with University of Cincinnati for advanced degrees. Eighty-third year. Pres. William McKibbin. The N agley Studio Picture Framing Kodaks and Photo Supplies Cedarville, Ohio .
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