The Gavelyte, April 1915

Our S,1vings Depart-ment is calculated t o serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and the rich . It receivt•s deposits fron1 $1up to $5,000 and allows four per cen t interes t, com- pounded se1ni-annually The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio. ---- ----- ---------~--- _ _:.. __ - -- ---- ------- -- ---- - ·· - - --· Look All Around First ' if you want to; you'll only be t,l2ased with our showing of Suits and Overcoat s ; our new Box– back effects fur dre~s, n1ot(lr or street wear. We'll show you striking ideas if j ou wish, or quiet sudclued models. $10.00 to $ 4S.OO C. A. Weaver Opposite Court House Xenia, Ohio. C We have Sold Good FOOTWEAR for 15 Years Quality Always the Best. FRAZER'S SHOE STORE XENIA, OHIO.