The Gavelyte, April 1915
2 TIIE AVELYT fnC'e. TlH'Y h1:1cl lak, n him in their c·ottrng<->, warnwd an,rl f01cl him and giv n him a supply nf foocl lo keep his 11coplp lrom starving. flow thankful th y had b n for all thi,s! Uow they had prom i8ed never to harm the p.1le face and now Lh y wer planning to nrnr'cl er tho8e ,,err pe rnple who hacl b ifri 1ncl ed them, simply be·C'ause they had taken 11n1ore 01f the 1In,d'i an lanHl'. s thes 1 e tthough ts traversed his mind h , 1, sol eel t111at t h pa le fac Phould k110-w of this broken promise and that he wou.Jd te11 them. lle walks slowly bacl{ and jo1ins his com– raid1es and hicl-s th·cm to sleiep tlhat he will guard them <tonight. Pres– ently all obey anicl in a liit•tle whi 1le a,11 is silent. and the moon this time reveals t'he littl'e valley wrapped in sh1m·bers. Y s, all are at rest 1but o,ne l.Jrave h• ,art. For !Jhe Iast time he stands befoq-e the ~1oor of hi.s wi,gwam; 1 fior the last time he hears the rip1ile of the little stream. 1Earrnes tly h,e prays to toe gTe,at Spirit a:nd sil en,t as the nii,gh t iitsielf, •hia stteals from h1i,s J,oved one1s. It is 1 e,arly dawn as he nears the vil'l'ag'e 1 of the pale face. \Suddenly through L'he unbroken .stmness i,s hear di the Tepiort oJ a 1·iifle and up,on the brown earth faillis the f,or m od' a tTUl(j h-eal'lbed main, aind' as the 'in:ha,bitants ru~h to the place whe,re he has faHe1n, t:b·ey bear tbim say ilJl br•ok>en En,glis·h: "They come to– d1ay," anld the v,oiioe Olf B~g Buffa~o is stiUed forever. Grea,t is the s1orro,w wh·en bh•ey f ·nd t:hey have tak 1 en tJhe l'ife oif on·e who was an an,-! true f•rieind. Qu>' ckly they prepare for the coming roe and 1/he ldiay endis vrictori,ously for tthe pale faces. 'Over the spo,t wr ere res,ts t!be lb>O'dy ,o,f Biig 1 Buffa1'0 a mar'ble monument staTud,s, and upon it ar,e iin1 12,ri'bEd•: '\\day y,our lif.e be an examp1e •o.f an unbroke,n promiise. [Btrave be,a>TL, no dieeld can eJC[t,al y,ours, n,o {ilt of frriends1h:1p can be mo•re beautiful." Cedarville's New Ice Cream Parlor Will be Open in a Few Days at RICHARDS DRUG STORE It will be equipped with a most modern silver Soda Fountain. The parlor will be furnished thruout with white enamel furniture. Every dish washed in hot soap suds. No slush;ng in cold water. Sanitation will be our maxim . The best quality of Creams, Sodas, Sundaes Etc., in town . Plenty of Ice Water . •
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