The Gavelyte, April 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE ELEANORE KATHERIN E HOLLIDAY. 3 :.\Tiis,s Eleanore Katherine Hom -ay. Profes1s or of tlhe English Lan– guage and Literature in CedarvilJ,e C'oll 1ge, wa , born in th e Punjab-– at Gurdas,pur, Irudia, Novemiber 10, 1 :J3. n e,r pa1r E111ts are Un ited Pres'byterian missionaries to Hat rountr y. Her fatl.J.e'r i1s Rev. Thomas El Holliday, at pres,ent pri,noipal o,f che noted mi,ssiolll training s'Cluool at Sialkot, India. In l 95 :\Iiss Holliday came t,o kmerica with her pare n,ts an d spent two years at l('adiz, Ohio. R,~turn in,g to India in 1897, sh e liv-ed until leven yea1~s old at Gujranwala and Khangah Dogr·a n a DJd' a t– tended a private school, Vi oodstock College, at Laindou r, Indi a . ,Oo1m– ing back to America, s1he attend eid the pub liic s·chnnls, th ree y ars at ·wooster, and one year at •Oadiz, Ohio. Her preparatory triai ning was complebed in 1910, wbieu s1h,e graduated firom th e Preparatory De part– ment of the Western ColJ,ege for 'Women, at Oxford, Ohio. T h en , aif.ter four y ars spent in t,,h,e 1atbe<r institution, she gra,dturuted with 1ho,n,0 1 r ilil June, l 914, taking her BaoheiJor of Arits degree, anid being el ected ,by the faculty of her alma mater to the hono,r so,~iey. In the fall of 1914 1}fiss HoLliday enter d upon her present duties in Cedarville College, teachirng a clas ~ in h'Ol1Se 1 hold aJr,ts and coaJchi,ng the girls' baskE.t ball team in add:tion to her r egular wo rk in t h e co l– l giate departm nt, and d1oing all thiDtvs well. Mis,s Holiday came to the College highly reicommend!ed by h e r profesi~ors for h e r scholarshi,p, alJility, and chara ter, a,nd in th e sho rt cime SJhe has s,erV' d as a memlber of the Faculty, has mor e than ,fu l– filled the anticipations that had L·ee n aroused. By her ,genial, fr ie nd ly dispocition and h er ob)ighng h 1 elpfulness, she has beoome v ry po,pular among hoth studients and colleagues, who r joice to learn that she has consented to continue, in her present position. " TH E CEDRU,S." DPar Alumni, have all of you uhscribed for Th C drus, th e 19Hi annual? It will be th fourbh, and in many r' spects the bes t a nnu al in the history of th coll ge. "ThP Tmago" of 1897 was a splendid ef– fort. ", 1 emoramiil ia," in 1903 is next in ordier and enjoyed a lar ge <·' l'L'Ulation. Thie acm was r<~adPd when the "Gav lyLe of 1911" ap- 1,r-'ared. But wait an11i wateh for "The ('edrn,s." rt will be th l'ar,gest :rnd n1-0· t proftH.;ely illu ·tratPd. rt will eontain one ,hundred and four JMgPs of re>ading matter, pidurc>s aucl rnustrations, d picting Cedar– , !Ile <'ollege life in IHHi. It Phoulcl Ile in the horn of very Alumn us. II you cl ·lrf' a <·C.JiP), rem it imrne, iately to H. '('etil 'Burns, Bus. :\11gr. l'1Jr·•'S an• as follow;. Pap e> r eon r, 7:ie; eloth, $1 .10; leath r, $1.50. s. '. w.