The Gavelyte, April 1915
Tl I AV LYlE ANNA ALBERTA CRESWELL Mis, una lb rta Cressw{>ll, Prorc,:s•o r or r.,alin and FrEnch in Ce,clarville 1c oHeg , was born thre,p mil .,, we.- t of Gladstonc, Ohio, January ,th, 1 91. Sh is tllP ctaughtel' ol' .James fl. ('peswrll, a IJ1"J'i11· in rnt and w,orthy citizen of C darv,ille Town.ship, and incidentally, P,r siident ·of bhe Board of Tru ·,tees of 1('edarville C'olleg . Afte1· fin– i hfog- ,ber primary ed ucation in the ( 'edarville Township Schools, i\liss 1CTes,well eintered the Ce1 1arville High •rhool. and shortly af'ter– wa1i 1s, in September, 190'5, entered the s enior ,Preparatory Class o,f Cedarvme College. AftEr a very s·u,c{!e,"sful college career she was g,radu'ated from e,ct•arvi11e Oolle,ge in the , prdng of 1!}10 with the de– °'re•e af A. IB. The 1f0Howing year she ,c-01ntinue·d her studies and o,b– tained !her :;.\fas,ter's degree, at the ,same time bPing assistant instruct– or in IDnglish. Immedtately bhereaiftEr sh e was elec:ted to a full pro– fesisiorsh.i,p amid! haf!, continued in that capa ity ever sinc·e•, teachin·g one OT t•wo classes in English in a 1 ddition to her work illl French and Latin, and makirug ·occasii,onal forays into the realm oi Physiology, Arith– metic, Geography, and Uniited S,tates Hiistory in the Teache·r's Criurse. Duriing bier student d,ay,s Mis Creswell distingui, ··hed herself a s a worker in literary society, and in the famou Girls' De'bate w,it·h Mus,kingum tunned the tide to viictory at a critical momen.t. Sb·e has al'so taught Elocution, and is in gre·at demarn, at Farmers' In,st:tutes arud other obi:!a1srons wher e declaiming aJbility is in demand. She has al:"o talw'n spedal couTS€S in th1e Summer 'School at li'ooster nive•r– sity. Mis:s Cres,well is d•eservedJy popular bor,h for her ability and for •her genial dis1po i.Jtion, amd we wouJd hate to lose her. March M'airch Diary ,CeciJ and •Merl'e d1,ive theiT jitney bus1s·e,s l'i,kie the d,e11ce and 18-Gids' a;nd 'b>o•yis' teiams play Antioch at YeUow Sprirugs. scare sQIIlle "chickerus," (insiJdle and out) half to derat h. 19-The s ,oprus hold' a s•preaid in the cotm'try. ,Ya.s kept very quiet both befirnre and after, esipecially after. 22-lfilJe-ctiO'n d 1 ay. Boys einiter chapel in a g1r,and proce.csri·o n (imitation snake dance?) bearing the bam1'er "Vote for 1Iil– dred lfior May Que,en and Merl e for ·Cedar Day !Qrato•r." I'll say So[Illeone was wise when 1! 1 e gave Mildred that "spiarklm." 23-i\Iuoh loud whiisperirng goes o,n--:everytbody l•ooks otherwise. 7: 30-gTa 1 111:I: s,urpris o,u [)onna, a swell feed and a rip,pi,n.g good tilID. .
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