The Gavelyte, April 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 5 March 24-Y. } I. aind Y. W . m a y com e a·nd go but chap·el goes on fior– ever! )laroh 25---..jEve r yibody shlill!e'Si u.p a ,bit a nd, atte 1 nds t h e s 1 wiell blow-out at Cres,we 1 ll!". :.'lfa.rch 26-The colleg,ei B. B. 1boy,s !beat 'the Indepen,denits and t1l'e Boy,s o,f '76 the ~ame n iigh't ! Gn bo·tto•n you r ea r an>d let bhrut ooze in! }larnh 29-T lre 1Pbilade,1phian SoctBty m e·e·ts a nd s,wears in the ,new office,rs. T he Fretn:oh 1,os1e t1hefr comm a'lld 1 e r (,C r·es w·e ll) but they muster up t h eir cou rage and i nv arl/e th e iGeTm a n te rri– to r y and! s!lloceetd in h ol,rl in g th,e fort unt il bh 1 e, end of the houir. M,a rch 30--lPl"of H olid,ay has a 4 o'clock t a i,n h,on,o r o f a eoupl e o,f ruon- 1coed1s from i\Ve,s,tern Un i. 'T he Fre,s lunen h ave a , s p•read'-– nuff sed ! 1Iar•.;h 31~)1r. Ralp 1 h !Hill 1s p,oke t o tih e Y . M-e r,s on Social ·Se tUemie,n,t \York. Vi'o;n,d,e r if he's pursu ing s,e,t tl emien t wo rk h e'rie o~·r w1hat? Air, ril 1-'Tb.e g·irls put one ,over on tih e boys. BOY'S call a fak e 1m1eeitin,g of student bOidY\ bu t t h e gid•s !eiav,e. April 2-The 3rd Annual H i,gih Sich ,ool C'•onibe,s t i1s, b.eld. April ::i--l'J'hie h·ono,raibl>e1 J.un, ior cl::i.E's hmri a swe.11 feed i,n honrnr ,o,f the los 1 t sheep rnf the fo1d.-'T nrrnbull a n d T a r bo·x . Aprll G-!:J: 30-ill::i(gtit v,a,cant seats in c•bapel W 1 ber e are the Juni,or1s,? No one kne:w how they ·Wel"e pas,sin1g t h e i r "m i'nuebs." April 7-Prot'. 1 Mc1Chesney r eads the " \Vh y o'f 'B~ 1 1l y's M·e,hh– ods" in chapel. April 8-"Git" :w ciC'lure slams the ladies in tF1'en ch clas1s . IHe asks :\Iiss Oreswelll if we "git" ou r wiord m eniaigu ie from th e Fren,ch word ·me,nagere (mearuiDJg houste,wife) . Ap1 il 9-. 'iice day. Ap1 :1 1:!-Prof. :\f CIChesney surpri,se1s u,~ by an1'!Joun1ei111g t•hiat Oe;cil BurnS1 had lost his Be,:ircl--'s His,tory. "It's a long way from 'Tipperary'--." April .\ pril April ,\ptj] l ~~-Prof. McChe·sney cites us t,o t 1 be 1 ru1'es a nd r e1g u,l 1 a:t io n s . It's a good t'hing to have old memorie,s rev1ived on1c in a whil e. l -1-Inspec-tor! Each one puts· on a g,rave yar d expres·sion and do,es mot permiit bis Jlace to wrink1e up i·n a smil e. M r. W 1 in~ t£ris (inPpe•c:tor) give· a rousing good, talk i1n c1ha1pe l 1 a nd after– wards 'Dr. ChestPut taliks to the gi1rls a n d th,e Mr.---- Y . .\I. Sec:. to the ,L•Vi't. 1;,-<TI la "ati'o n. IH- Thinl Annual Pig Tail DHy. S01J11e rude boyis bning th e i1r chairs i111 c·ha,pei1 anicl sit in front o,l' lhE' ginls (whio lm d the t'lont seat"J. That's all rig 1 b t-the pi,gs always come heif.o1e the tail". \\'p are inform d that Mr. \ \' initers (i n specltor) wa s fa, orabh· imp,re,:;s,Pd with t 1 l'e ~eneral atmo1sph,e re of I . Ool– lege, Mis[.; .~•ummers wins t 1 h 1Ht priz i,n Bi1ble 1H. a'd irng c01 1tc•st. ThrPP c·Jw1"1 t- l'or .'11rnnwn; arnl vVi11ters!