The Gavelyte, April 1915

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 7 fl'uitl'e•ss and of little value for any,thin,g elise. It is not• ble for the plants aw:l' trees 1lo cha;ng1ei their form, they ar,e, what they a1re, but we can make our lives what we wish. The queis1tion i P, Are we. going to make them like the th>orn so ·that e-v,en the sigM of us will be repella1nt to others1, or are we g 1 oin1g bo be as the olak, and the maple, b,e a comfort to all who come urnd,er our in fluence, a,nid Jbe, a Mes1sing to all the world? Vi' 1hich we shia,11 he is lcift fo:r us to determillle and now iin tihe s 1 prin,gtime of Hire is when we mus,t cleiciide. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE a sitate life hiilgih srhool ceirUficate. RECOGNIZED. Pas,t graduates o{ th e cone,ge can n,ow secure th same provi s ional cer. tifiea.te by re:turnilng to t 1 he coll ge and nom- C'E>darville College has b en reco,g- pleting the r equiremenits for tJh·e nized by :'.\Ir. Frank W. Millerr, State s,ame; or, in the ea s e of expt\l'i.euced Superint-endent of 1P,ublic Ins.truct•ion, teachers, by meT Jy presenting to as a regula:r ins1titution for the train- t·he State Sup,er.inte1ndent evideTuCe ing of hi,g1h school teachers. Tihe col- that they have grad ua,ted from 1 Ce,clar– lege was viisited las1t Wednesda:y by ville College and have taught succe1s·s– an in,,pedcr from •('Joliumbus, Dr. 1'. fully in the public s,chool c: of Ohio for I oward Winters, Examinati-on Clerk at least fifty months. The str<ictly in the State Supeniintend,ent's office. professiional tr,aini.n-g- in the coll eg,e is• Dr. Wint erc: mad e a most thJOrougih in- givEn by Dr. vV. R. Mc1C'.:hesney 1 Pro– vPstigati:nn of build•ings1, apparatus, Ji- fess 1or of ·Ps,yichology; Prnf. Leroy Al– b1 ary fac'ilities, laboratories, vi1sitcd Jen, ~nbo teacih·ers g(-,neral metho1d/s, el a!'ses and conferred with members principles of e,d'UIC'ation and school o the faculty as to cours,e s of study. management, a:nd Pirof. S. C. '\Vri,g 1 bJt, He exp,res'Sed himself a:s lhLghly pleas- who tea ches t'h,e o•bhE'r pr,of0,ssiona.l ed with the type of instrucbi,on given subj E. cts a.nd mana,g ,<: the training by the profe"'f'Ors and wi'th the char- school. a , ter of the work done by the stu- d nts. Saturd,ay morning Dr. Winters CEDA RV I LLE CO L LE GE T O wrote Dr. 11 eCihesney, the Dean ol' th r, Collee;e, thaJt Mr. Miller had giv n full rPcoe;nition to Cedarville IGoHegc as an institutio1J1 for the profes•sional tra :ning of sc 0 con1 1 :ary i a ·ih·ers. This 1111 a11;: t,hat. lJE'ginnin.g with thiis year, grnduates of L'he eollege who co,m1pl t START A SUM M ER SCHOOL. Cedarville Coll g r> , having 'bcon ful– ly re og-niz: d by :\Ir. 1,~rank MillE>r, S tat ·Superintendent of Publie 'Tnr the, requirements will obtain a state struclion, as a. 1regul,ar in stitution for Jiro, i~ional eurtiticat good for four the prof'PS<" io•nal lrainin1g- of teat~h r , , )'Pars all over 1:Jhe state without ex- will hold th e first s c> ss ion of •its sum– aminafon. At the nd of thr e years rn r sd100I thi s summer. The s ehool of 1ic,11t'<·Pssful tPac·hing, thl1s can L>c will lw of' s•lx Wt•eks clnrati011, be,gliI1- 1 onvPrt<'d, without exami11atio11, ill'lo ning- Mond-.1y, .J1111t' 21 . nn<l rlosin~·