The Gavelyte, December 1906

A. G. SPALDING & BROS« Large. t Manufacturer in the \Vorld of Official Ath letic , uppl ies. Basket Balls, Sweaters, Jerseys, Foot Balls, Golf. Implen1ents for All Sports. Eve ry rPquisitL· for Law n Tennis and Golf. I<'or over a quarter of a rentnry Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball imple– ments has marked the ad– vancement of thii:i par ticular flpo rt. Spalding 's Trade=Mark on your athletic implements gives you an advantage ove r the other pla~ r, as you have a better articl , la. ts longer ancl gives more . atisfactwn. EIPJ'\' Fnnt Hall an<l Hn " k PI Hall ~la111t•· 1•1· ·h •11Jd ~pnci 111 Oil('<' fol' 11 · 1·t1py 111 Spaldi11 ;.(>< Fall 11111, \\'i1 11t•1 <:.1111Jn;.r11c•,-- I•11•1 •. \c•\\ y.,ri; , ( ,h i<·n ::.: u A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. l>t · l1\ l' I'. :-.1111 I· 1·111wi,c·o Fountain Square, 27 F1. Fifth ,'t.. incinnati, Ohio. When.a Cold old Winter's frosty, fri– gid frown haf: driven . unny , ummer\; smile a\\'ay, you naturally think of Christmas and giving Gifts. This thought sugg(:'sts McCollurn's. The re, will be shown an as– , ortrnent of Gift Goodf-1 to satisfy the mo t discriminat– ing. It will l,e intPresting to look, you will be welcomed and no one will he urged to buy, though your patronage is ::;olicited and will bP ap– preriatPd. McCOLLUM, TheJeW'eler• ' Boys! Buy a Pair ==of== TRUOSERS. The nice. t lire we ever had. ice r than last year. , Priced from $2.00 to $4.00. BIRD'S MAMMOTH STORE.