The Gavelyte, December 1907
:!O, Alumni New s. unable to fini:::;h the game. In his i-tf:'ad they placed their coach, who La~t month, we made an earnfst by hi:-. star playing practically elimin– appeal to the members of the Alumni I atfd all their hopes of ever making fur articles for our paper; but so far i a point.. ·The :-.tudents seemed dis– contributi,,ns are few and far be- couraged all through the ~econrl half. tween . Alumni, we have had ample They had our sympathy but it did no time to co l!t-• et our thoughts and I good. prepare our production. Let us be I Sinee our last issue John F'inney m11re prompt next month. . j has bt>en born€'; he was a star actor All shoulrl have seen the first I in the Alumni- ('ollege game. Alumni - College foot ball game played I Dr. J. C. (~eorge of the Columbus on Thankstiving afternoon. A large State Hospital came home for Thanks– erowd of spectators was present to giving. grePt thr old player:::; of the Alum11i, Rev..James Heron, of Vale 8. £>., som~ of w~om had no~ done duty. on. j_ has ma~:e .us a ,·ii-it within the last thf foot ball field foi a number of I month. Jim is as usu al, we see no years; l,ut in the nwantime had lost I change in him. He had been in Pen– no~w of thei_r vim.. The stud~nts. ~ot 'I nsy lvania and stopped over for a · hE>rng-ac·quarnted with Alumm ab1hty couple of days on his way home. wfre up again. t the real thing- foot Rev. Wm. Graham and wife, ,i8ited hall players of renown. Although Mrs. Graham's parents Thanksgiving. the Alumni was very much handi- 1Will play.ed a prominent part in the capyH•d from lack of practice and foot~hall ganw. not knowing the signals, neverthe- Walter ,'haw and Claude Estlf Jess at th" close nf the game the score were_ down from Columhus to the stood 11-0 in favor of the ALUMNI. 'fhe I game. stuJentH playE>d a good game. A8 ltaymoncl ~haw has add d Prof. to wt>ll a 8 <"ould lit> Pxpected for Col- '1 hi~ na_mP: 1_1~ h~l_ds a promine~t ]Pge students, hut were entirely un- pl:i~e 111 a h.l ntuc:ky Collfge this . • J Al . I Wll11,el'. 'able to make any gain on t 1e umm. . . . . The first half of the game was much I In an article, in the Bible S0t1ety l 'I'I I Record, by Rev. John Fox D. D., the better than the seconc · ,e stu- name of our old friend Rev. R. P. dents, near the E>nd of the first half I Garbold, it:i prnmin"ntly nentioned, lost their .-ta r player- McClellan - 1 with regard to his missionary work who heing strnck in the rhtiRt was I in .Japan.
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