The Gavelyte, December 1907
-------------- Our Nation's Queen. HY Mis:,;; CAHHrn ~'1 NEY, 'O, . All is chaos. Impenetrable darknes reign. supreme. The crcal,ivr· voice is heard; "Let there be light,'' immediately a dim light gleams thru an unlimited expanse of vaporous sea. Darknes:::: descends, and the first day of creation is ended. In the succeeding days remarkable changes occur. A tranRparent firmament separates the waters above from the waters beneath. In the distance the waters are seen breaking t,pon a low winding shore, the barrier bf-'tween land and sea. Looking toward the land mighty forests rise upon the slopes . But along the damp, marshy stream all is mi"t and dark– nesfl. The reator speaks. tars shine forth from the illimitable heavens. Dawning of day sees the celestial orb of morning loom up in the ea~t. Slowly this great luminou::; body seeks itt. path across the he~vens, and amid splen– dors more glorious than attended its rising-, majestically sinks to rest. Then in the e:;ist the moon appearf::, and as night advances slowly climbs to its zenith. Another mnrning's light reveals the air and water teeming with animal life. On the sands gigantic birds stalk to and fro, while those of lesser size ::;oar thru the air. Monstrous creatures with m;;.issive scales haunt river and ocran. E'er long plains are inhabited with cattlr, and thru deep tangled thickets roam beasts of prey: (;od saw that his work was good, and in the Rhades of evening he creates -after his own likeness - man - the responsible lol'd of creation. And the creative work is forever finiRhed upon earth. But God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. so he made an helpmeet for him. One who has what the othPr has not. One who completes - the other and by the other is completed. · "B"or contemplat ion he and valour form'll, Ii"or softness she and , weet attractive g:rnC'e; He for (;ocl only, Rhr for (;ocl in him.'' nlikt> in llatnn· y t" t thr happiness and verfection of bot,h dqwn<l, on wli:,t,
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