The Gavelyte, December 1907

~10 ra. ed an untiring elf-sacrifice and faithful performanc to duty. Not alone in fiction does the Cliri. tian Atlwna stand as emblematic for all that is good and purP, but in real life we have even higher types of wo– man hood a unfailingly true and virtuous. She appe,1rs as a gentle angel saving merely by her presence and defeating the worst intensities of crime. Would William Lloyd Garrison ever alone, unfriended, de, pised, and poor have raiced his hand against the crime and evils of intolerant slavery, had it not been for the rights of humanity and bristian principles infused in him by the prayers and exhortations of his mother? .John Randolp1, that eminent statesman and orator, would, from his own testimony, have been a leader of infidelity save for hi mother who taught him when a child t0 say. "Our Father, who art in heaven." apoleon Bonaparte has said, "What F'rance needs is good motherR, and you may be sure then that France will have good sons." The ~partan mother by her character and influence taught her sons, "pither to bring home their .:;hields or to be brot home on them." They wPre filled with that spirit and patriotism that gave character to the Spar– tan nation. Had the mother's patriotic heart been united with a Christain heart, the ~partan nation would never have be conquered. When man directs his energy towards war and conquest he goes not alone. In Pvery instance, Christian woman is ready to accompany him as the balm for his distrei,s. The battleship Maine is blown to atom;;. The world stands horrified. Amnica, momentarily stunned, awake~ to the voice of God and goes for– ward to suppress a tyrannical nation and deliver an oppressed people. 'l'he Clara Bartons, ever faithful· to duty, nmid the dangers and privations of a hostile country, follow our soldiers to bind up their ~vounds, to cheer - them with song and encourage them with prayer and praise. And when Dewey with his victorious squadron, the stars anu stripes floating gallantly above him, sailed into the Bay of Manila, tlw Red Cross was there. The highest order of moral and social life is ascribed to woman. 'he _ is queen without a peer. Her field of powt>r lies in the moral and religious side of hum~nity. She is a pillar in the J,ingdom of right, a shining star in moral firmament. Without this gnat pl,wer of woman the world wo~ld be in ruins. The youths of today are influenced by her. It is she who phrntR thP srerl~ of purity anrl dist.ils the dews of piPty. In this worlrl of