The Gavelyte, December 1907

~I I 01m.;, woman i:-; d,-."tined to play a :>till more conspici()UR part. Intemper– ance is bringing down t·hou ,'nridR upon thousands to a grave of ignominy, h ''Tl'", ~rnd eterral death. To woman the world looks for reformation. Nor will she fail. Christian womanhood is universally ri ing to blot out thi: great stain and blight from our country. 'Ere long million/S of women shall become disciples of F'rances Willard, and banded together in thP name of God, their power is untold. Woman presses her suit at the throne of grace. @very day at the trysting hour, thousands of women all over our land are lifting up their souls to God in prayer. And her petitions and en– treaties presenteri to our legi lat,ive bodies, seeking for the purity of law,, arP not in vain. Mighty i: thP power of woman. ~he is the terrestial orb that con– t,rols not only the destiny of man, but of our nation. A single golden thread, tho scarcely perceptible in a piPee of oriental lace, being united with othPr threadR makes an important part in the design, so is woman an pssential factor in our government. Thi> unperceivei in th(• quiet riomain of her homP, she wields the mystic wand that quellR the mob and brings orcler instead of strife: plans succem;ful camp 1igns and leads the host on to a bl1)odlesR victory and enforces the law of . right and purity. When woman posses' es her rights she will rule the moral, social and and political worlcl; not by ballot; not by her voice in the political arena, but as queen of the home. There enthroned in thP heart of man. her loyal defender. Crowned by the hand of G0d, her source of power. There she stands representing the divne morality, which sways the world. There she moulds thA character of those who work out our nation':-; destiny. ln her palace, the home, man is equipped for the vicisitudes of life. There is our nation'R quPen. Honor and respect are herR. obility shall bow before her with the reverence of a pagan before his God. Vice shall qnail aR a crirninal before , his judgt=>. And humanity shall reflec·t the vir– tue of itR queen. Queen shall she always be. Queen of her home. Queen of her state. "Queen of the higher mystery to the world beyond which bows itself and will forever bow before tlw myrtle crown anrl st.ainle s f-1Cepter of womanhood.''