The Gavelyte, December 1907

Local News. Play ball! c;1) 'way cad! A test makes many a crisis. 'l'he evin Quartette entertained a smali but appr ciative audience here, nee. f>th. We need your subscription ancl your subscription money. , ubscribe and pay u11 ! (;ive us. ome rPd hot personals. I Mr. 13.. J. Woodmansee, Y. M. C. A. ''P. Dix" has become "P. Ducks''. \ .. ecretary, has been here on a busi- Chicago Lyceum Ladi13s' .Jan. 10th. (ness trip for a few days. (;et your '08 calendar ready for use. \ "Ken" WilliamRon, although on a "Rill Murray is still ''going some''. I v~catio~, . st.ill struts around Cedar- 1 v1lle with his young friPnds. l~all term is over! How time tlie,-! W aide is still rambling. Wanted, Whoop'er np for the basket, ball a good poem on "Bill" Waide for next team! . A good crowct was out Thanks- month's issue of the Gavelyte . Many of the college student (out of town) were entertained at dinner Basketball in Gym .January H<l. Be Thanksgiving Day, by Prof. and Mrs. there . McChesney. gmng. I Help us, by advice, essay, poPm, I Dr. Robert Parker Miles deliverPcl prrsonal, etc! a splendid lecture on "Tallow Dips" 'l'hP girl· have had "omP lively i in the Opera House Dec. ~d. A largP basket ball practice. · j crowd enjoyed the treat. . I ''1 1 ·11 '' u r ti l . lluah Hawthorn is at work on his 1 1 Y v, att, 10 popn ar captain I:, - ' ·Paradi~e Regained". of the basketball team, after long - yt:<ars has been struck down by one ·- 1 ~ 1::~ny students were present at the of l,oYe's piercing darts. Congra- lifibury family concert. , tulations, Billy! ·'~port.v" • ash is no more. ft is\ "I ,, 1 I{' he h \ )or lV c 111 ney as sees t 0 now "Sporty" McFarland. ·11 b ttl tt h d t ti d l · m1 < o e a ac e o 1e es< 111 t:rvin niair has . returned to hi8 I the• cha1wl - "Which of you here homp in Coulterville, Ill. He left\ this morning hasn't had his break– llPt 7th. I fast?'' nrPat laughter and applause.