The Gavelyte, December 1907
~I I - - I ;;orry to note that there were bnt two I Spread ! 8pr a<lt1!! pread ·!!! :hnrt stories entered in the contest ·- Kenneth Williamson define. woman ;;urt--ly out of uch a student body, a an "expensivP Juxnry". with ,o much literary talent, there I "Bill Lint.on ha~ returned Lo should have b~~n a ~ozen. We .ex- I Bowersvillt> till after the Xma holi– trnd our thar.ks to all, who have I days a . light indisposition was the hP 1 ped u, in our work nn th Xmas I cause. . nnmbPr. I .Tarwt to ."Mal'" jn"t before start- Centurie ago, three wh,e me 11 from i ing out for Williamson':, party, "Let's the far orth, gazing up inlo the star- ! walk t0night and eut down expen, es." lit sky, wer.; eagerly watching the I Harold Bryso11, since going back guiding North stc1r, which was lead- ! to the farm, ha' beC'ome a writer. ing them to the realizaion of' their I He is at prP e11t at work on a re- Jong felt hopes. Christmas! 'l'he vised edition of "Paradi e Lost". hirth of Christ! What it meant to I Misses Mary and Florence William– those ml:'n ! It mPrtnt to them the I son t'ntertained Nov. 22d. A large , vo_lut'.1~n. o~ the worlrl; the co~1ing of 1· nilmuer •)f colle. ge stu~ents w~re ~re– l heir 8av101. And what does 1t mean ~l:'nt and all report a great time'. tu n<? XrAa. tide telL us to lay a i<le 1 1 ov. 29th, the Nevin Quartette ;ill our rwtt~· differl:'nces; to let our gave a retital at Clifton. A numbBr of heart lw as light and free a the I Cedarvil,1~ students we~t over to hear i:,now-hirdi:, that flutter on the winclow I tlwm. I he same evenrng, a number sill, as they chirp their ''Merry Xmas" I of the tudents were .present at a . . ,, masquQrade party, given by Mr. to us; tu renew our feeling of good I Elder and Mis-::, Carrie Hutchison, at will toward all men"; -to draw our their hume in Xenia. thair up closer in the family cirC'le The girl~ made ·omewhat of a and be thankful that another Xmas I ''strike" when they uroke in upon 11."':, : ·~ und us all together. To u~, too, ' tlw ··~tag" social held in "Bill" l{it- / a· a family of college students, Xmas I ter' · ruoms Dec 3d. However the brings the same mes.sage, and to both boys c~me out ah~ad, and had. a . h n vf'!'y enJoyable evemng·. The earlier student and sub cnbers, t e 1A VEL- sprl:'a<i given by Messrs. Hlair and YTE STAFF unite in extending to all I Linton pm1secl off without any inter– a very merry Xmas and a pro~pet·ous I fer~nce. SpleQdid meetings were New Year. enjo_\'ed in singing and eating, closing - -- I with the . erenade an1l night hirt ,'tiwk! ~tnrk!! ~taf'k!!. p:irad1~.
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