The Gavelyte, December 1907
In Memoriam. ·r ~ • :- .t--·-~ -"'-s- • • •-.· • • Frank Littl e Orr. We, the members of the Philosophic Literary, 8ociety offer t his tri– bute of love anrl raspect to the m~m0ry of Mr. Frank Orr who passed to his heavenly home on the evening of .June 11th 1907. In his death, our society has lost a member whn has ever been faithful and loyal to our socie~y. Tn his parenti:;, brother and sisters, he leaves the priceless heritage of a family devotion beautiful to all who knew him, and a life of fide– lity to God, whom it was his delight to serve. To these we extend our sympathies and commend them to the lov- ing caTe and protection of the Saviour in whom he found comfort. I \ FRA, K CRESWELL. f!MR T 'M ComnTTEE. -, ER~EST McCLELLAN . KEN:N ETH WILL IAMSON. W . J. H a wthorne. We, thP mernht>rs of the Philosophic Literary Society, of Cedarville C'ollPgP offPr thi:-1 trihnte. of respect to the nwmory of Mr. W. J. l lawthorrw \\'ho pa:-1s,,cJ a\\ :iy Oct. 11, Hl()'j at his latt• honw in ~t.rr! – ing, Kansas. We extend our sincere sympathy to his son, Hngh, who is a member of our Soriety, ;ind to his hereft. wifp and t!anghtr,s, onp of whom was asBPriated with us for two yrnrs. ''Ble. sPd ;1rP thr dParl v. ho die in thP Lorri. t IH•y <lo rr:-1t from their In.hors and tlwir work:-1 de, follow thPm.'' \ .JANET TARBOX. f'OMi\flTTEE. · Wi\I. HA \YTHOH.NE. I ALBERTA f'nE~\\'ELL. - ... - ._ -- .... . .
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