The Gavelyte, December 1908

16, THE GAVELYTE, announced that they -cannot con~cientiously vote for him. The Interior, much a-, WP, appreciate and respect its opinions, cannot be a conscience for its re,idt>rs and cannot tell thPm what they should and should not do. That Mr. Taft being a Unitarian has a constitutional right to be elected President, r10 one will deny. Mr. Debs, the Socialist candi– date, has aJ-;o the constitutional right, but few of The Interior's readers will vote for him. The individual Chri tian has also the constituqonal right to vote for any candidate he pleases The "character test" is not the only test of fitness for the office of the presidt:'ncy. A eandidate's religious views in the nature of the case must have weight with the Christian voter. We are Christians before we are political partisans. The mastery of Jesus (_;hrist is supreme. If a man denies him, can he be right in the sight of God or man? This is primarily anci preeminently a Christian nation. Shoulrl we pl;.1ce ir1 its supreme po~ition a man who is not a Christian? We have had Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Gar-' field, Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley and Roo~evelt, Christian men; they have strengthened the faith and g i v e n power to I he kingciom. Shall we now vote for a man who denies our Lord? Thi question is now being asked by many. The right to ask it is not to be denied. Is the hristian voter to spend all of his time consider– ing the candiclate's attitude toward the tnriff question and none of his time com~idering his attitude toward tha Son of God? Will it make no difference to the kingdom, to the church, to the minister, as we strive to preach the gospel of the incarnation, the atonement, the resurrection, to _the young– men of the rE'public, if we have a President who denie that JPsus is the Christ, the Stin of the living God? What does thP Bible mean when it says, "He that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son"? Is affatility an<l honesty and ability enough in the face of such a declara.tinn? Is nnt the intE'llPcl ual ability of any man to be 8eriou8ly que tionecl whPn ht:' say, that he act~pts the Bible but denies the deity of Christ? What, ort. nf men from th viewpoint of faith did God direct to be chost-n as rnlers over the nation of old? Does any one bE:lieve that God would choose as the ruler of the leading Christian na~ion of the world a man · who is not a Chri Lian? In the light of what the Bible ays, "Contend Parnestly for the faith