The Gavelyte, December 1908

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 169 ---------------------- ------- OnGe del ivered to the saints, for there are certain men who deny our Lord Jesus Christ," can WA question the motives which lead our fellow-Christians to vote again'-t a man who denies our Lord? - Frederick N. McMillin in ''The Interior" of Oct. 8, '08. N ot Wealth But Life. BY FLORENCE WILLIAMSO '10. From time immemorial the de.sire of every people has been civil and religious liuerties . Men dream of them, prophets foretold them, poets sung of them for ages, but it was left for our nation to become the living reality. A nation "conceived in liberty, dedicated to equality", \\ ith large resources, immense productions and vast industries on which the sun never sets. Such :-J. nation should not consider, as a symbol of her progress, the wealth produc.:ed by her industries, but the physkal, moral, and financial conditions of the citizens, who aid in its development In considering this aspect of her progress, we find certain conditions, which must be chunged, and me11aci->s, whieh must be removed, before our nation can become the ideal republic- the home and refuge of all that is pu1 est and best in huma1.ity - the riream of seers and prophets. Three centurirs ago our forefathers left their homes in highly civilized land, and soug-ht a new abode in a wild and unknown continent. This great sacrifice was not made for the purpose of gaining material wealth for them– f.lelvrs but to Pstahlish a government whose ruling spirit should ba the en– ~oyment of ''Ii re, libPrty and pursuit of happiness for themselves and their posterity". Sinl'.e Lhat time three wars havfl been fought for the purpose of preserv- ing- the:-;e factors of our government. Hundreds of men, yes; thousands of them have given their lives that this nation composed of God-fearing and - liberty-l oving people might survive. Must \\e, the people for whom they so bravely died, peri 'h because of the lack of the very protection, for whi1·h our government stands We readily reply, No! But are we conscientiou · ly trying by every means to better the conditions of humanity? Every ad– vancement made, which tends to protect and esta,blish in the minds of men the f.e invaluable principles, is progress. Every advancement, which tends